The *official* World of Warcraft topic.

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dude, just take a month break.. when i was in the same situation as you.. where the game was getting boring.. so yeah i stopped for a full month and after the month was over i was totally wanted to play again, and have been playing since
Did my first MC on friday and first ZG yesterday. In MC we downed Luci and Magmadar, and ZG I don't know who we downed, I was only there for the spider boss and we couldn't get her. It was fun though!
Just took a bunch of screen shots for when i ebay my account. I wasted a full year on this game. Well, to be specific, i wasted 60+ days on this game. Yes, that's my /played.
TheNesMan said:
Grats, he's the hardest BWL boss by far.

are you forgetting about nef?

and i'm pretty sure chromaggus is ALOT harder then vael.. you just need to be able to rotate your tanks and have enough healing for vael
How can you people play this game?!?! Its nothing but a pointless pratice of repetition and no real reward! STOP PLAYING NOW DAMNIT!

Everyone is playing WoW, I'm lonely. :cry:
MrHimashi said:
TheNesMan said:
Grats, he's the hardest BWL boss by far.

are you forgetting about nef?

and i'm pretty sure chromaggus is ALOT harder then vael.. you just need to be able to rotate your tanks and have enough healing for vael
Vael is random and is without a doubt the hardest bwl boss. Nef is a cake walk, very easy if people just pay attention. I would say Chrom is the second hardest, just because he can be really hard depending on the combination you get.
I just hate it when someone gets burning adrenaline.. and stays next to everyone.

on another note, we just killed onyxia with 23 people. YAY!!
Took out Razorgore today. Lots of trial and error, but we finally found a strategy we were comfortable with (we tend to be incompatible with the usual ones). Now wiping on Vael.
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