The *official* World of Warcraft topic.

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i think all of the Gr wow players should start playing on a server together and make a guild, it would be uber sweet :p
totally, i've already got a few chars on that server, i mainly play on my 25 shaman

my shamans name is LRAC, give meh a msg sometime!
To be perfectly fair, I think we should all start new characters on a new server... though we are definately rolling Horde. To make it simple, we should use our current user names too, and decide who plays what (so we don't wind up with a dozen tanks and no healers).

How does that sound?
Alright, i'm starting mine on the new pvp server, ALTAR of STORMS

my char is going to be a orc FEMALE (lol) rogue, named himashi

i also made it as fugly as possible :roll:
Looks like WoW servers are down right now, but when I get the chance I'll create myself a character on Altar of Storms.

So far we have a mage and a rogue, so I'm thinking I'll go Priest to fill the healer spot. Now we still need a tank.
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