The Movie Showdown: And the Oscar goes to...

I'll be honest, I'm kinda dissapointed that a movie like Citizen Kane or To Kill a Mocking Bird didn't win this thing. But what can I expect? This is a video game message board.

I don't wanna sound like I'm nagging. I'm just sensing that a lot of fanboyism was put into this showdown. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go play Silent Hill AKA the greatest game of all time.

heh, I really love all the movies in the honorable mentions, with the exception of Back to the Future. It was great but I wouldn't consider it the best adventure movie. And The Nightmare Before Christmas was really Stop Motion, not animation. But whatever, it's all good!
White_Rabbit said:
*Couugh* Ahem....11.5 to 6.5 win Wes ;).

Ah yes, with the exception of the .5, you're right :lol: The match was 11-6 not 11-8. I keep a tally of the score on Microsoft Word but since this was the last match I just did it off the top of my head once. Doesn't really change who won though.

Hexagram said:
heh, I really love all the movies in the honorable mentions, with the exception of Back to the Future. It was great but I wouldn't consider it the best adventure movie.
I actually made a mistake, the best adventure movie in the showdown was Jurassic Park.

Hexagram said:
And The Nightmare Before Christmas was really Stop Motion, not animation. But whatever, it's all good!

By animation I meant Stop Motion, CGI, Claymation, etc. It was for the whole sha-bang!
I see what you're saying Wes.

This showdown as well as your comic book showdown was well done. I'd say you and Joker are the kings of showdowns!
Hexagram said:
I'll be honest, I'm kinda dissapointed that a movie like Citizen Kane or To Kill a Mocking Bird didn't win this thing.

I agree, but I'm still happy with the results even though most of the movies I nominated were voted out in the first or second round.

Good game Wes, it kept me intrested and I enjoyed being a part of it! Nice touch with the Trilogy round.
Hexagram said:
But what can I expect? This is a video game message board.

Hahaha. I know.. i was sitting here deciding for The Best Movie Ever and my options were fucking Star Wars V and Return of the King and I just thought... what the hell.. i need a hobby. :D;)
Citizen Kane is a great benchmark from a cinematography standpoint, but in my opinion it isn't a great film to just sit and enjoy. Im glad something like that didn't win!
Fanboyism? Not at all. The STar Wars series is my favourite series and a few of them my favourite movies of all time. Not just because it's SW but because they revolutionized film-making. To say "what can I expect this is a video game messageboard" makes it sound like all our opinions are null and void.

I think To Kill A Mockingbird is a great film, especially for it's time but it just isn't one of my all tme favourites.
Like I said, next round we do classic movies like To Kill A Mockingbird or Citizen Kane.

I can compile a list for us with a round 2 if you like.
White_Rabbit said:
Fanboyism? Not at all. The STar Wars series is my favourite series and a few of them my favourite movies of all time. Not just because it's SW but because they revolutionized film-making. To say "what can I expect this is a video game messageboard" makes it sound like all our opinions are null and void.

I think To Kill A Mockingbird is a great film, especially for it's time but it just isn't one of my all tme favourites.

I don't think your opinions or anyone's at GR (with the exception of a few) are null and void. I'm just saying that it's not surprising that gamers would vote for Star Wars all the way until the end. I can't remember exactly what movies went up against the Star Wars saga but they were some of the most influential and groundbreaking classics ever made (IMO. I know some people don't give a damn how Casablanca was filmed). But I really don't wanna sound like I'm whining here because I'm fine with how it turned out. I'd only be truly upset if the top four was Star Wars III, IV, V, and VI. lol, now that would be irritating. But it was only one, and what I believe to be, the best one out of the six.

You're right about George Lucas WR, he did revolutionize special FX as we know it. The prequel trilogy might not offer us anything new except beefed up CGI, but the original trilogy showed us a world that until then was impossible. I appreciate Star Wars for what it has done to cinema history. I just don't like how people take things to the extreme (ie, dress up like the characters when the new movies hit theathers). When people enjoy the movie to the point where they study the back-stories and side quests religiously, there is going to be a lot of fanboyism involved. But I'm pretty sure you guys didn't dress up at the movies which is why I added my SH comment.
The only "classic" movie I was able to watch without losing intrest and start day dreaming was Psycho. I tried to watch To Kill a Mocking Bird back in high school but it got too boring and I drifted off into fantasy land where Jennifer Lopez and I made swet love in a hot tub... What!? I found her very hot back in 1999!

Good showdown Wes. I would've liked to see Pulp Fiction win! But I knew Star Wars was gonna win this.
You did actually see the whole movie right? Because a lot of people I know say they hate something that they didn't even see. I'm sure you hate Gigili, but did you actually see it?

I for one am glad Star Wars won, great top four, great final match and great winner!
One movie I wish made it far (if it was even on the list) Was Seven Samurai. It is such an awesome movie, I reccomend everyone to try and watch it when they get a chance.
GhostTrip said:
You did actually see the whole movie right? Because a lot of people I know say they hate something that they didn't even see. I'm sure you hate Gigili, but did you actually see it?

I for one am glad Star Wars won, great top four, great final match and great winner!

No, I saw it. I didn't see Gigli. But I've heard it sucks.
Haha Hex...

...I actually *did* want to dress up as Anakin Skywalker for Episode 3 only because it's the last SW movie ever, I'll never be starring in one, so hey why the hell not heh. I didn't though.

The types of SW fans who annoy me are the ones who act like they're king shit because they know everything there is to know about SW, and they get elitist with normal fans. You know the types...The geeks who think they're so cool they need to act it in front of everyone. I mean hey, I have the 150 dollar replica lightsabers, a millenium falcon toy, a few games, all the movies, and some action figures. I don't think that makes me a loser or cool though. Some people though it changes their attitudes which I don't get.

Also, for all registered users, they have a Citizen Kane Vs. Casablanca poll up today :). I voted Casablanca.
*peeks into the massive topic he's never taken much interest in*

Star Wars won? Fuck yes!

*high-fives Colin*
I'm just glad the showdown survivied to the end!

I was worried when I moved the game to this board from the old one. The votes went down significantly (18-25 votes per match at the old board and 2-10 votes per match at the new one). But it was all in good fun and I forgot to thank people like Bob Marley, Second Star, Black Star, Guan Yu, Hexagram and anybody else who took over for a night when I was busy.

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