The Movie Showdown: And the Oscar goes to...


Why? Because Empire was a 100% original creation, whereas LotR is based on a book. Yes, I know George Lucas "borrowed" some ideas rather liberally, but he still wrote the entire story and turned it into a masterpiece.
Seriously though, the top 4 all deserve a round of applause....


if we do another round of this we need to have a classics matchup. Casblanca vs Citizen Kane, and Seven Samurai vs 12 Angry men. Even Dr. Strangelove vs It's A Wonderful Life!

What do you think?
LinksOcarina said:
Seriously though, the top 4 all deserve a round of applause....


if we do another round of this we need to have a classics matchup. Casblanca vs Citizen Kane, and Seven Samurai vs 12 Angry men. Even Dr. Strangelove vs It's A Wonderful Life!

What do you think?

I think we shouldn't do this again. At least not for awhile.
Well, it's been a long road. 160 Movies started in this showdown and 4 months later it comes to an end! The winner of the 2005 Game Revolution Movie Showdown is...


Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

With an 11-6 win, Star Wars V wins as best movie in the showdown! Good work!
Thank to everyone who voted and kept the game alive. Here are some honorable mentions...

Best Fantasy: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Best Crime: Pulp Fiction
Best Drama: The Godfather
Best Comedy: Happy Gilmore
Best War: Saving Private Ryan
Best Sci-Fi: The Matrix
Best Horror: Aliens
Best Mystery: Memento
Best Romance: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Best Adventure: Jurassic Park
Best Childern: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Best Action: Kill Bill Vol. 1
Best Animation: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Best Classic: Psycho

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