The little things


So tired.
So I'm bored, and when I get bored I make awful topics. Today's is on the little things that make my life more enjoyable.

First, glasses. Whoever the genius is that figured out all this optical refraction crap is...thank you. Someone stole my sweet Puma eyeglasses, so I went without my weak prescription for three weeks (since it meant saving $300 due to optical insurance), I didn't think it would be a big deal, but I was plagued by migraines the whole time. My vision isn't bad, but I strain too much without them. So here's to you, Prof. Chester BiFocal.

Second, bad Mexican food. Don't get me wrong, good Mexican food is good. But there is something so strangely delightful about cheap, greasy, bad Mexican food that makes it great. It may fly through me like fat kid on slip-n-slide, but those few hours we share are still good. So whoever made guacamole and green's to you, Jose (playing the percentages).
I love my glasses...What's weird about that though, is I've had this same pair of glasses for around 6 years now and they're still a better prescription than contacts that I get renewed whenever I run out of them...Plus I think they're more comfortable than contacts.

Plus chicks in glasses are hot. Every chick should be required to wear glasses (ugly hoes need not apply)
Oh, I thought this was a topic about your balls!



Ok, seriously -
I think mine are pretty standard. The smell of freshly cut grass, the feeling when you place your hand in a spot of warm sunshine. Dipping your willy in a vagina. Stuff like that.
I do enjoy the fact that on every Thursday lunch at work, it's the Shonen Jump weekly update. So on that half hour, I read the latest Naruto, Bleach and One Piece chapters. I love that lunch break. I actually look forward to it once the Monday is underway. That's my little thing :)
It may be hard to believe for some of you that there are many things we take for granted.. You damn right the little things are important. Heres just but a few things I appretiate and take for granted.

all 10 fingers and toes. thank you.
guitars, and amps.
energy.. ah yes.
and barbeques.
Crepes.. delicious, thank you again.
gumballs.. why not?
trees, and wood.
the military.
warm coats

you get the idea.
Bubble wrap!


*pop* .........




ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeah
Since moving over to the states for college i began realizing about all the little things i get back home that you guys don't have here.

Milo: basically another version of Ovaltine, but more chocolatey and not as sweet.

Soy sauce: Majority of soy here seems to be the Japanese type, which is all well and good, except im Chinese, and if im not eating Japanese food, i want chinese soy sauce.

Noodles with soup: Another thing that i miss, just simple rice noodles with a sort of broth, kinda like pho, but again, made to the flavors that i know of.

Drinking: Im 21, so its fine for me, but this whole under-age drinking in the states with 21 being the age limit is ridiculous, and stupid annoying RAs that probably get a hard-on when they see a bunch of cans lying around in your room.

"Hi, i noticed a case of beer at the front of your door; are you 21?"


Closes door.
piracer said:
Drinking: Im 21, so its fine for me, but this whole under-age drinking in the states with 21 being the age limit is ridiculous, and stupid annoying RAs that probably get a hard-on when they see a bunch of cans lying around in your room.

"Hi, i noticed a case of beer at the front of your door; are you 21?"


Closes door.

What's even better is if you're on a dry campus, which most seem to be anymore, you can still get busted for having alcohol in your room even if you're of legal age.
I been going a year and half wearing the same glasses, just recently got a new pair. The reason for this is because once I turned 18 I was taken off my parent's insurance. I had to wait the next year to enroll in our insurance plan provided for all McDonald's employees. I was happy to hear about this insurance plan because a few months before I chopped a good bit of my middle finger while I was working. Had to be taken to the hospital. I felt bad because McDonald's was paying for my accident, and because I left blood stains in my friend's car.

So I guess being able to pay for my own insurance makes feel responsible and gives me great confidence because I'm paying for it and not my parents. Whenever I purchase clothes I always gain just a bit more of that feeling being able to take care of myself rather to rely on others.
The quirky section on Good, funny news always keeps me entertained and brings the world down a notch as a reminder that not all shit is fucked.
clean shoes, full lighters, pizza delivery(ies), spare change, cars with nice stereos, teachers that don't assign too much homework, forgetting bud somewhere then finding it later, fast elevators, comfortable beds, nice weather, warm jackets, good conversations, and long naps.
I like driving. I dunno, I'm just so damn good at it and all that. I've gone on many a drive just to ease my mind and body and all that.
Longo_2_guns said:
I like driving. I dunno, I'm just so damn good at it and all that. I've gone on many a drive just to ease my mind and body and all that.
Not as calming as i'd like, considering Australia where you get castrated for doing like 3mph over the limit, but it still works.
You wouldn't like (Mustang and all), but mountain roads around here are the best.

Also, subwoofers. Small, simple things that instantly make music much better.
And Cowbells.
My mustang can do mountain roads fairly well, actually. And I live almost literally at the bottom of the sierra nevada, so I can do mountain driving any time I want. They're fun.

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