The Fighter Character Battle, Year Five

Fuck everyone who voted Tiger.

See this man:

I'm sure you don't know who it is. This man is Daisuke GÃ…Â
No matter how I put it, it makes me sound like a douche, so here goes.
Why did you bring up his death at the finals and not before? To me, kinda feels like that if he wins, it would be partially due to your announcement.
Even though it's tragic, I'm not going to change my vote, even if he played a small part in GTO.
....Is that true?

Because....Tekken characters dont really have voices do they? apart know "Arrrgh" and "hunnh".
HK, because it really pisses me off that he's losing to a joke character. I didn't want to have to bring it up, but it was the only way to get you faggots to stop being huge faggots.

Matt, he's spoken since Tekken 3. He did a shitload of speaking in 4, 5, and 6. Example
Longo_2_guns said:
Fuck everyone who voted Tiger.

First off, in a choice between Eddy or the chick (bleh) or Tiger. I will always pick Tiger. He is by far the coolest character, which for the sake of clarity is that of a disco-breakdance-fighting cat who don't take no shit from nobody.

Two, Capoeira is awesome. It is in no terms an effective fighting system, but this is also a mano-a-mano game with Yoshimitsu, the flying, stabbing ninja.

Three, I totally agree on the Heihachi voice actor being possiblly the best part of the game. He resonates power. He doesn't just say, hi-yah! He busts out crazy He-OHHH's like noone's business and his dialog is full of emotion that is left out of most fighting games. However, this isn't a contest of how awesome Daisuke was, nor how tragic his life was. This is simply a contest that asks who we prefer. Who is more awesome?

Forgive us for not sharing your opinion as fervently as you do. But best wishes to you, Longo. I wish you no ill and hope you having a splendid day.
LinksOcarina said:
the next vote BY SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT VOTED YET wins it.

Then at this point, the whole universe stop rotating...

Master kung-fu Heihachi who owns pet bears, killed his sons, like twice and host the greatest game in history or black-explotation, disco dancing, 'fro styling and iron fist contestant Tiger.

I'm not moving out of my house till someone votes!
It is time for that mysterious Snug_2_ongol, guy to show back up? I mean, he voted once in a Blake's mystery game and then he disappeared.
If I wanted to do that, I would use one of my secondary accounts that isn't completely obvious that it's me.

No, this thing is going down fair and square.
Haha Urban!!

(Tiger Woods is legend. More so now because he cheated on his wife with nother hottie).

But tiger Jackon winning the showdown!?

What a fucking joke! I think half of you only voted because you wanted the underdog to win. And the other half because he's black with a 'fro.

JOKE!! I spit on Tiger.

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