The Best in the Series.


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Everyone knows that Empire Strikes Back kicked Jedi's ass and that Temple of Doom was the best Indy flick, but let's turn our attention to videogame series.

Name a gaming series or franchise, then choose your favorite of the bunch.

The Grand Theft Auto Series: As much as I love GTA and GTA2, I have to award the honor of Best in the Series to GTA: San Andreas. Becoming more and more like a real-life simulator than just a shoot 'em up with whacky misions.

The Hitman Series: Best in the Series is Blood Money. The variety in levels along with the fun weapon cache that really allows for some great replay value (and general fucking around with guns) put this one a step above the rest.
I'm about to go out so i don't have time to reply except for this: Temple of doom being the best was a joke right? I think we both know raiders of the lost ark and the last crusade are better than it. I'll make a proper reply after i come back from seeing superbad :).
Two great topics in one day used? I'm impressed.

Thief Series: Best is Thief 2: The metal age.

An incredible game that improves on the already brilliant original. The thief 2 disc is actually in my disc tray right now. What more can I say?

Legacy of Kain series: Best is Blood Omen.
The original and best, I still play this game. A lot.

Total War series: Best is Shogun.
While obviously inferior in many aspects to later games such as Rome Total War, Shogun remains my favorite due to the massive replay potential and brilliant map editor.

GTA series: Best is GTA 2.
Though Vice City is a close second. 2 is my choice simply because it has made me laugh more times than any other game ever. Even the demo made me laugh, what with you exploding at the end. I still play this and with it being free now, no-one has any excuse not to.
JCD said:
Two great topics in one day used? I'm impressed.

More like, stop being a little bitch. Just kidding kind of.

I can only think of Tekken 5 being the most awesome Tekken of the series. The graphics are just filthy good looking for a PS2 games. The new characters are fun, the stages are good, ass kicking is fun, everything is awesome. I should go play it right now, but I'm too lazy.
3rd season of OZ...


best!!!!!!!! -
DEVIL MAY CRY 3 of the Devil May Cry series

Just totally awesome. The first was amazing, the second was a let down, but the third was downright awesome! much more devil weapons, more of a challenge. the only problem is how gay dante looks with his jacket open.

RAYMAN 3: HOODLUM HAVOC of the Rayman series

A change in gameplay, no world map. slightly improved graphics. Plus it's a cool and funny. The new point system is really addictive, and the fact that you can compete with everyone online makes it replayable big time!

ZELDA: WIND WAKER of the Zelda series

It's the sailor music! It's totally awesome! And the general look of the game is slightly more kid-like. Even though most people maybe prefer the serious zelda...i liked this one the best! Plus the plot is slightly different. Not too many dungeons, but looking for the triforce parts gave so much freedom in gameplay.
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Awesome game continues the story of BigBoss and how Outer Heaven became
Resident Evil 3 Nemisis
Know it doesn't have as good graphics or voice acting as four but still it was a fun game going through Racoon city and playing as Jill again.Not to mention hearing Nemisis saying STARS for the first time
Final Fantasy XII
Awesome game best FinalFantasy ever even though the summons and stuff aren't the same.
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Was cool choosing your path.Choosing to let someone die or live.
Ghost Recon
Wasn't as good graphics but it was fun choosing from a soldier with a sniper rifle to a soldier with a machine gun.
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Was like you were in Miami and it was kinda like Scarface only bad part was that you couldn't swim.I mean wtf its Miami and you can't swim.
Don't know if you'd count it as a part of the franchise of Xenosaga but it was a cool game one of the best RPG's ive played.
Grand Turismo
Great racing game so many licensed cars to choose from and so many track has to be the best in the series
Super Mario 64
Has to be my favorite Mario game ever.Introduced the Mario world to 3D.
I think that the first DOOM is the best in it's series. It was a very fun and addicting game. I got tired of DOOM II at the end of the 2nd level. It just wasn't as fun as the original. As for DOOM 3........ I'm afraid to play survival horror games by myself

Final Fantasy
Out of playing 1,7,9, & 10. 9 was the best in my view. It was more fun and engaging than the other ones I played. I always thought it was the most underrated FF game because its gameplay was more like the the SNES games (which weren't as popular) than 7 & 8, and because of that, there was alot of outspoken criticism of 9. 1up ranked it in their most overrated saying that "it's nowhere near as good as 7 & 8" and Penny-Arcade saying that 9 "derailed" the whole series. Well, fuck all those posers who think that.

Ratchet & Clank
I think that Going Commando was the best, due to the fact that it was a major uprade of the original (weapon improvments, space combat, side-quests). Up your Arsenal was more like an expansion pack than an actuall sequel, and because of that, I don't think that arsenal is the best in the franchise.

Freedom Force
Out of the two games in its franchise, the first was the best in my view. Even though 3rd Reich (it's sequel) had a number of improvments, it just wasn't as good as the first. What contributed to this decision was the fact that 3rd Reich wasn't as strategic as the first, and It also felt more like an expansion pack. I'm sure there will be another game in its franchise (due to the cliffhanger ending), and i'm pretty anticipated for its release.

Jak & Daxter
I think that both Jak 2 & 3, are the best in its franchise. Both were very fun and addicting. Some would think that they're just GTA knock-offs, but I think that they're the best knock-offs, and better than Vice City for that matter. The Jak & Daxter games has always been overlooked by the Ratchet & Clank games, but I think that the Jak & Daxter games are better than the Ratchet & Clank ones.

......So there you go.
im going to do a few game series

Metal Gear Solid series

Metal gear Solid 3

Resident Evil series

Resident Evil *Gamecube remake.*

Legend of Zelda series

OoT followed closely by wind waker, then by twilight princess.
Legend Of Zelda

Irrefutably Ocarina of Time. This game is an absolute classic. It revolutionized the big open-ended 3d games and its 97% average is without a doubt justifiable.
LOL Temple of Doom.

Lemme think here...

Resident Evil...4, but 3: Nemesis is very underrated and close.

Metal Gear Solid...I'll be different, I'll say 2 was the best.

Final Fantasy...7, though I really like quite a few of them.

Castlevania...difficult to debate Symphony of the Night, I don't think anything else comes close.

Mario...I suppose I'll say Super Mario World, though I would take Super Mario 64 under consideration for sure.

Ratchet and Clank...most of the later games in the series kinda blur together for me, but I suppose it's Deadlocked.

That's all I got right now...

deception. characters were varied, konquest mode was better than deadly alliances, and it was alot of fun.
Age of Empires II
Amazing, an improvement over the first and better than the third.
Knights of The Old Republic
For the obvious reasons.
Final Fantasy IV
I have never played the others (apart for III) and I really enjoyed the story, characters and the phrase "Spoony Bard".
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
great platformer and it includes the 1st and 2nd Pitfall as unlockables
Simpsons: Hit and Run
The best Simpsons game ever. Not surprisingly.
F-Zero GX
Brutal difficulty, blinding speeds, insane rush with beautiful graphics, amazing music and one heck of a story mode.
Super Monkey Ball 2
12 mini games, amazing single player, challenging puzzles and one crazy storyline (made me say WTF once or twice)
Zelda-Personal Favourite: Twilight Princess
Technical Best: Ocarina of Time

Metroid- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Tony Hawk- American Wasteland

Mario-Super Mario 64

Final Fantasy-Final Fantasy III or X

Sonic-Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or 3D Blast
Everyone knows that Raiders of the Lost Ark was the best Indy flick.

And everyone knows that Mario Kart DS has been the best iteration of the popular kart racing game.

Twisted Metal 2 is also top among the Twisted Metals, just slightly over Black

And Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete is still the best Lunar of them all.
Super Mario 2 was my fav mario game in the 8-bit age.

Marvel Vs Capcom2 my fav Marvel-themed fighting game.

Silent hill 2 is the best silent hill game.

oh and stuff
Silent_Player said:
Everyone knows that Raiders of the Lost Ark was the best Indy flick.

I especially loved the part where hes aiming a 1960 era Russian RPG at the baddies in the 1930's. Great directing as always. :roll:

Mechwarrior 2
Rome total war
WH40k DoW Dark crusade
and C&C Red Alert

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