Ten favorite movies of the year?

I don't even think I really watched enough new movies this year to make a real "best" list, but here are just some of the movies that I saw this year that I enjoyed:

The Losers
Scott Pilgrim
How to Train Your Dragon
The Expendables
Toy Story 3
I Love You Phillip Morris

If some of these came out earlier and I am just so out-of-the-loop that I didn't know... Oh well. :P

Also, there are movies you guys mentioned that I still want to see/haven't come out here yet. I still have to see Harry Potter. :)
Just saw Tron: Legacy. Visually unreal, Daft Punk is the best band ever, but it was so Disney it hurt. Very VERY cool though.
just watched scott pilgrim and it definitely is not on my top 10 of 2010 =)

very disappointed. definitely not a bad movie though.
Okay, even though I watched it right now, I just have to say in all seriousness, The King's Speech is the best movie of last year. Without a fucking doubt.
intoTheRain said:
just watched scott pilgrim and it definitely is not on my top 10 of 2010 =)

very disappointed. definitely not a bad movie though.

It's not for everyone. But as a gamer, a fan of 90's culture and a Torontonian I absolutely loved it.
Has anyone watched Restrepo? It came out this year, and is kinda like a documentary version of an RL Hurt Locker. Very, very emotionally moving. It came out in 2010, everyone should see it. it's Instant Netflixable.
WickedLiquid said:
intoTheRain said:
just watched scott pilgrim and it definitely is not on my top 10 of 2010 =)

very disappointed. definitely not a bad movie though.

It's not for everyone. But as a gamer, a fan of 90's culture and a Torontonian I absolutely loved it.

i tried so hard to like it.. i just found there wasn't nearly enough character development, it was just one fight after the other.

if they had have spent half the time on the fights and devoted that extra time to telling more of a story I would have probably loved it.

i did love that it was in Toronto though, and loved seeing loonies and toonies all over the ground xD
Ha, pretty well done. A few cheats, but I like it. I had to watch until the kick, of course.

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