Ten favorite movies of the year?

This isn't this year...But it's a movie topic so it's close enough and I'm throwing it in...

I just watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time.....

God. Damn.
GiftedMonkey said:
News Flash: I also saw Splice. That probably goes between #4 and #5 on my list.

I was wondering about that one when it came out. Worth the watch then?
used44 said:
It looked interesting but how icky? I'm not a fan of icky.

The uncanny valley--when a character is not quite human enough to think of it as a human--how unsettled are you by it? How do you feel about rape? What about when its happening between two different species?
No, I meant the American remake directed by the guy who did "Cloverfield".

I'm sure "Let The Right One In" is just as good, if not better.
No actually it wasn't very good and it was rather silly. Other than the above average child acting, I'm not sure why it warranted a remake.

I was just giving you shit for putting a remake in your top 10, though it's probably better, I don't know.
Allow me to post some movies from 2010 that you probably saw but forgot about:

Hot Tub Time Machine
Shutter Island
Get Him to the Greek
Oh yeah, Get Him to the Greek was great. I think I fell out of my chair at the end of the Vegas part.
Loved Get Him to the Greek. I also liked Dinner for Shumucks which got a bad rap.

Green_Lantern said:
This isn't this year...But it's a movie topic so it's close enough and I'm throwing it in...

I just watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time.....

God. Damn.

Then you should see Black Swan (same writer/director). It's much more melodramatic with an Art-House feel, but it's definitely as intense and visually disturbing as Requiem.

Requiem for a Dream was one of the few movies that actually made me cry. The scene where the mother's friends see how messed up she's become then they break down crying. It really got to me. Good thing I was alone when I saw it, lol.
Bretimus_v2 said:
In no apparent order:

How to Train Your Dragon - The first Dreamworks movie in awhile that was more than just funny. It had some awesome scenes filled with visuals, comedy, and good character development.

Kick-Ass - Very entertaining, the music was distracting at most parts, but a good enough popcorn flick.

Inception - By far my favorite. I love me a mystery and I have a huge love/hate relationship with Nolan's ending in most of his movies.

my top 3
How to Train Your Dragon.

Just saw it tonight for some reason, and it was simply awesome. Greatly better than i expected.

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