Ten favorite movies of the year?


Just like Links top ten games thread in General, this one is about films. What were your favorite movies of the year?

This topic isn't about what MY favorite movies were, it's about what all of your fave movies are. Considering it's an incredibly slow day at work I can spend a bunch of time doing this :)

So without further ado, I present to you...

#10 The Expendables

#9 Cyrus

#8 127 Hours

#7 The Town

#6 Kick-Ass

#5 Black Swan

#4 Scott Pilgrim VS The World

#3 Toy Story 3

#2 The Social Network

#1 Inception
I've heard if you see the trailer for Cyrus you'll be expecting the next Step Brothers and be disappointed. I had the luxury of seeing an advanced screening. I was expecting an Indy Dramedy and that's what I got.

The zoom-ins got a bit annoying. At times I thought I was watching The Office. But the story and characters were so great I was able to look past that and fall in love with this quirky film.
I didn't see ten movies this year. I only remember Iron Man 2, Despicable Me, Shrek 4, Toy Story 3, and Megamind.
*spoiler alert about Cyrus*

There was no written script involved in the movie, every actor improvised their lines. I didn't know about this till after viewing.


yeah, wow. Again, I'm on the fence about it! interesting though. I think it's probably what made for some of the quirky (if odd) camera work.
Oh trust me Matt, this list was incredibly hard to put together. Simply because the top 6 felt almost impossible to place since they were each so awesome in their own way.

I loved Scott Pilgrim, but I just feel the other three were better overall.
Year's not over yet bro....

What if Tron blows Inception out of the water? What are you gonna do then? HUH?
Has anyone seen Skyline yet by the way?

Is it good?
does Turk live?

I didn't see Skyline, I thought it looked too stupid.

Wes said:
Year's not over yet bro....

What if Tron blows Inception out of the water? What are you gonna do then? HUH?

I think The Simpsons said it best...

-Did anyone ever see that movie Tron?

-Yes.... oh wait I mean no, no...
I can't even remember 10 movies worthwhile, so I'll just wing it.

10- Tron Legacy

9- Tron Legacy

8- Tron Legacy

7- Tron Legacy

6- Tron Legacy

5- Tron Legacy

4- Tron Legacy

3- Tron Legacy

2- Tron Legacy

1- Tron Legacy

Yeah, that sounds about right.
Hahaha, Tron is just another remake in uber cool 3D. They're trying to pull another Avatar and release a summer popcorn flick in the winter with no competition so it makes big dollars in the box office.

I've been wrong before, but I predict people are only going to see Tron because of it's effects while the story is put on the back burner. I like movies that are fun, I did love The Expendables, but what makes a movie the best of the best is its story since that's really the heart of the film.
I think you mean sequel, since I doubt it's going to be too much like the first. Hell, I doubt Tron the character will even be in it.
Damn, this just makes me realize how few new movies I saw this year. I'll think up a list shortly.
I only saw 2 of that list there, expendables and kick ass.

But my number one would be the film I made with Longo and mattay. Very private.
1. Toy Story 3
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
3. The Social Network
4. Inception
5. Greenberg
6. Kick-Ass
7. Due Date
8. Its Kind of a Funny Story
9. The Runaways

What's that? There are only nine movies? Yeah...those are the only movies from 2010 that I remember seeing.

WickedLiquid said:
I think The Simpsons said it best...

-Did anyone ever see that movie Tron?

-Yes.... oh wait I mean no, no...

Prof. Frink saw it, if I remember correctly.
I didn't see Greenburg, I've heard it's great though.

You a fan of Ben Stiller Monkey? I hate him which is why I never saw it.
WickedLiquid said:
Hahaha, Tron is just another remake in uber cool 3D.
I'm just thankful you only selected one 3D film. I bet there is an idiot out there who said Jackass 3D was the best.

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