Ten favorite movies of the year?

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I only saw 2 of that list there, expendables and kick ass.

But my number one would be the film I made with Longo and mattay. Very private.

So THAT'S what that whirring sound was.
WickedLiquid said:
I didn't see Greenburg, I've heard it's great though.

You a fan of Ben Stiller Monkey? I hate him which is why I never saw it.

Greenberg was pretty great, but its about as far removed as a "Ben Stiller comedy" as you can get. It doesn't have the zaniness of Zoolander or Tropic Thunder (two of my favorite comedies) or the family-friendly blandness of Night at the Museum or Fockers (which I don't even bother with). It's a Noah Baumbach movie, so like The Squid and the Whale, meaning it is a quiet, wordy study of fucked-up people that doesn't really go anywhere. I mean that in a good way.

See what I did there? I addressed both parts of your post in one block of text!
Ah, cool. Yeah I liked Tropic Thunder but only because of everyone else, especially Robert Downy Jr. I know it was written and directed by Stiller but I just don't enjoy him as a performer.

I wonder if Chris Crime knows where I can rent this movie? Hmmm....

Okay wtf...This is my third time typing this - It didn't post the other two times....

I haven't seen 10 2010 movies this year that I can recall, so the ones I have seen, that are favourites:

The Town

The Expendables


The Road...Can't recall if I saw it this year or late last year but whatever.

Next up: The Fighter

PS. Chris - I should totally invest in some BB while it's below a dollar a share. Never know when it will sky rcoket and hit 196 a share like Netflix!
In no apparent order:

How to Train Your Dragon - The first Dreamworks movie in awhile that was more than just funny. It had some awesome scenes filled with visuals, comedy, and good character development.

Kick-Ass - Very entertaining, the music was distracting at most parts, but a good enough popcorn flick.

Karate Kid - I could wax on about all the great things in this movie. But I have other things to attend to. Jackie Chan's horrible English gets put to use in a better movie than The Spy Next Door.

Scott Pilgrim - It's all been said. Great fight scenes that have been accented with SFX that bring it to give them more of a anime show/videogame/comic-feel.

Inception - By far my favorite. I love me a mystery and I have a huge love/hate relationship with Nolan's ending in most of his movies.
1 Inception
2. Kick Ass
3. Scott Pilgrim vs the world
4. Toy Story 3
5. Iron Man 2
6. Due Date
7. The Other Guys
8. How to Train Your Dragon
9. The Karate Kid
10. ummmmmmmmmmm, Harry Potter?
Lethean said:
PS. Chris - I should totally invest in some BB while it's below a dollar a share. Never know when it will sky rcoket and hit 196 a share like Netflix!

You can't beat the price, that's for sure. Does Netflix give stock to managers and supervisors? Best Buy does. Seems like a great incentive program.
Out of the movies I've seen that are worth mentioning:

6. Inception
5. The American
4. Predators
3. Toy Story 3
2. The Town
1. Reserved for Tron Legacy
I too only seen two movies in the theater this year (so far)

All the positive feedback you guys said about the films made me want to see them.
I will probably lose my right to own a penis for this but.... Charlie St. Cloud. I know it looks hackneyed and predictable but dammit I enjoyed the film. Considering how shit the last few months have been for me it was actually quite nice to have the boost that the film gave. Otherwise I fully agree with almost all the films on the list except I have yet to see the Social Network and the Expendables.
Just finished watching both Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim. Didn't really like Scott Pilgrim, Kick-Ass on the otherhand was really entertaining.

Haven't went to films much this year. I remember watching Due Date and the new Alice in Wonderland. There were probably other movies too, but can't remember them.
Nurgey said:
I will probably lose my right to own a penis for this but.... Charlie St. Cloud.

It's okay, I really liked White Oleander :oops:
But that was like 8 years ago so whatever.

MattAY said:
I've only seen 2 movies this year...so:

1. Scott Pilgrim
2. Inception

You must see Kick Ass, I know you will like it!
MattAY said:
Has anyone seen Skyline yet by the way?

Is it good?
does Turk live?


Donald Faison and Special Effects would be my only two reasons to see this movie.

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