So i'm Kickstarting a book!

An RPG book, to be exact, or at least, a splat book for alien races for a Sci-Fi setting called Myriad Song. Today the kickstarter has gone live, and I am doing my best to drum up promotion for it with the help of a friend of mine and his tabletop company, Sanguine Games.

I basically pitched the idea to my friend Norman, and he loved it, so he asked me to write up concepts for him. I was able to create 24 different aliens for the book, with some help from a few friends of mine who I am grateful for their support and help in this too.

Some of them have already made the cut thus far, in fact out of the 24 designs made, twelve of them are guaranteed in the book. The other twelve are up to you though, so the more donations, the better of course.

It's a long kickstarter, and since it's a supplement book for a tabletop be honest I am not expecting it to set the world on fire, even if it's it's an independent game that has gained a small cult following as time went on. Basically, Myriad Song is a dice pool system type of game, where the more dice you have, the more likely you will succeed at a task or in combat. It's also based on New Wave 80's Sci-Fi, so much of the art and style of the game falls into that design.

If you want to be a part of the process, we are also offering the ability to create your own alien for the book too at $399, the cost of having an artist design and illustrate the legacy for the book. So you get to work with me and other writers on the design as well, all with a writing credit too, if we hit our initial 3,000 goal.

Hope you guys at least enjoy the cool artwork that's already posted. Let me know what you think!
So far so good, were on track to succeed.

Considering it's a tabletop game book, and it's an independent one at that, it's going to have very niche appeal.

Thankfully though the price is right based on the budget.
Bretimus_v2 said:
If I support this. You must rename a race the Bretimans.

You can work with me to create a race you know. The problem is the cost of art and design is $399.

If you have $399 laying around...You get your wish.

Hell, I challenge anyone on these boards to make that pledge, lemme see what you can come up with, the most crazy alien you can think of that is non-humanoid!
We have surpassed $1,000 out of our $3,000 goal!

So far it's going steady, hopefully the momentum holds, it has been slow today though.

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