Why books are better than movies

how much cooler are books than movies?

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so i was watching the feature film adaptation of 'a river runs through it' tonight, and aside from the book offering much more depth and coherence for the story that engages and fulfills the reader more so than the movie (though the movie is enjoyable nonetheless) and thought of another reason (other than what i just mentioned of course) why books top movies.

in the movies there are a bunch of crap messages like "blah blah this is fictional, any relation is coincidental" -- yeah, no duh. it's not a documentary. with literature you know it's fiction, there's no need for that message. suck a duck, movie publishing companies! also, "no <insert animal here> were harmed in this movie." yeah, big deal. the author of the book doesn't need to tell me he didn't harm any animals to gain the perspective he portrays in his work of literature.

ugh, i hate all those needless messages movie companies put into the movies. you don't see books saying "the following opinion is not that of <insert publishing company>" do you? no, because it's pretty plain obvious that it's the opinion of whoever's writing the damn book.

Actually books let u imagine things and its way cooler that way,However when u are shown everythin and made to see what the director imagined it aint that cool anymore
with a book you can conjure up events not being rubbish in your mind, as opposed to films which often have crappy actors and/or directors ruin it!
That entirely depends on the book/movie.

The Pulp Fiction movie would by far out-weigh the book.

Also the LOTR movies were so much cooler in terms of battle story...everything.

However books at times are better than their movie adaptations, there fore it depends.
I used to think moves>books. Then i read hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. I loved the book, and the movie was pretty good but the movie is definitely better.
It is a lot more fun to create what the books look like, rather than have some crappy actors
act it out.

with a book you can conjure up events not being rubbish in your mind, as opposed to films which often have crappy actors and/or directors ruin it!

you people sound like my kindergaten and/or the reading rainbow. You want to know a reason why movies are better than books here are a few:
1. no reading. pssh, who needs reading? Reading just gets you an education and nobody needs that in america, just look at the president, he's the leader of our nation and god knows he didn't get one.
2.you don't spend half of your life trying to figure out what the hell the book is saying. Usually a good sized book will take you a couple millenia to complete, unless you are a nerd, in which case you have no life so your opinion doesnt count. But anyway books tend to take a hell of a long time to read, but if you go see a movie you get the whole gist of the plot without having to suffer the burden of actually reading it. There is one exeption of this rule and i call that exeption The Lord of the Rings: Return of the king. During the time it took me to see that movie i read all three books, celebrated 3 of my birthdays and disproved the theory of evolution twice.
3.Poor illiterates in the world. By saying that reading is better than movies you are basically slapping every illiterate in the world in the face. They already know that they can't read books and their only hope is movies, they don't need some guy like you ruubing it in their face..... insensitive jerk.

Man, is there anything worse than a book?*

*I submit that there is not.
what about a porn, book>movie, which is better? which would u view? which would u rather masturbate over?
Books are cooler than movies simply because reading a book allows you to imagine the story yourself, not what the director imagines.
^thats what I said before.If youre illiterate thn ofcourse movies are better than books cause u cant read but if u can read books>movies unless its porn cause porn books are for stupid people.
boring books need to just get turned into movies so i dont have to read them for school.. too bad most of the time they change/leave out stuff from the story.. it sucks.
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