
Keepit was the guy who had the dude as his avatar right? He was cool.

I heard about the floods in B.C. it looked pretty bad. She hasn't been around since it happened. I hope that's just a coincidence.
It's kind of crazy how you hear about a disaster somewhere and you know people you've met online who live there. Stupid planet, be more safe!
Thanks to facebook stalking I can see she's still online. False alarm.

This thread brought to you by the songs Creep from TLC, Creep from Radiohead and Negative Creep from Nirvana.
Sorry! I haven't been checking GR, because I know I'll just spend ages being distracted by it. I've been safe at home, ignoring outside life and dealing with massively frustrating homework, as well as one or two very needy heartbroken friends. And we'll just leave it at that.

The floods happen almost every year, with varying degrees of severity. I'm safe. I don't live in the interior; I live pretty much right in Vancouver (although not in the city proper -- just in the metro area). I used to live in the Fraser Valley, and almost all of my friends still live there. One of them used to live on what's technically a reserve, and they are used to having to sandbag the area to protect their homes from the rising water levels. The flooding is just part of living by the river. It's unfortunate, but that's the geography of the area.

It is very weird to hear about disasters in other parts of the world, bringing all these random people onto your stage of awareness. I heard a few weeks ago about a shooting in the states, right on campus where my friend lives in residence. Fucking scary, was in a panic all day. Those instances always leave me wanting for better means of communication.

I must say, I'm a little disappointed. I thought that perhaps GR thought I was gone, and that this thread was going to be filled with gossip about me!
Like, yunno, whatever! *gossips about Dan* You know he doesn't use conditioner??? :shock: And he burned his foot on a George Forman grill.

I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
I thought he meant

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