Scariest enemies.


What do you think are the scariest enemies ever shoved into a game? The obvious choice of the Necromorphs from Dead Space? Or perhaps you had a phobia of the Koopa Troopers from Super Mario Bros :shock: ...[/u]
F.E.A.R is so fucked up, whenever i see that warning in the top left of the screen telling me something is about to happen, the hairs on the back of my neck always stand up.
I liked the Ravenholm map, the traps were alot of fun.
I would have to concur with Tylzen, but I wish they didn't have the interference everytime something creepy was about to happen. After about 10-15 you stop shooting at "nothing", it's still creepy, but you know you're probably relatively safe perhaps only unnerved. If it happened without the interference so you had no idea it was about to happen, it would be even better.
Condemned 2. The monsters that come out of the tar as well the ceiling sacks scared the shit out of me because when they are in the black background they are hard as crap to see but you know you are being attacked.
The Spaniard-Zombies in Uncharted were scary as I'll get out the first time around, especially when you're playing it at midnight with the volume cranked up. The music for that part gets its own spot on the scariest enemies list if you ask me.

Same thing with the fat eskimos and their psycho-sacrifice music in Atlantis. :shock:
Pyramid head in Silent Hill 2 was pretty creepy as was the big guy in RE 2 that stalks you and jumps out of nowhere.
I would have to go with just about any of the spirits from Fatal Frame, but Broken Neck and Blinded were probably my favourite. Gotta love being so full of fear and adrenalin that you would rather make a hasty escape than even face the thing in battle.
God, the zombies in Ravenholm were horrible..i mean you spend ages listening to people talking about how dangerous Ravenholm is and then your thrown into it anyway. The screams were what really got me, but at least you meet that guy with the shotgun...:D
Tanks in Left 4 Dead because you know they're near-unstoppable.

Spider splicers in Bioshock.
I used to think Ravenholm was terrifying but after watching Idiots of Garry's Mod 2, all I could hear was "Yabba My Icing!"

I'd say Shodan from System Shock 2. Her static filled voice and constant confusion of the words human and insect are almost hypnotic. And the hybrids? At least the splicers made their presence known. Hybrids won't start screaming about the Many and the splendor of flesh until they are right on top of you.
They aren't the scariest enemies ever, but the Ghouls from Fallout 3 were pretty creepy at first. They're reactions to you entering the room are delayed enough that you don't even know they are in the shadows of the room. Then, "Snarl!" They make that creepy sound that startles me when I think I'm alone.
Oh yeah, System Shock 2, there were some pretty weird (and terrifying) enemies in it, but it was the voice that really scared me...SHODAN's not nice.
Resident Evil's Licker! always scared me as a kid.

The Berserkers in the first Gears of War.

You can't kill them with your normal weapons. They're blind, and every time you make the slightest noise, they hear you and run towards you like a bat out of hell(while screaming).

You have to lure it outside and use the Hammer of Dawn(satellite weapon).
when i was little my brother got the first slient hill, and i beleive theres a part when you go into a school of some sort. yeah the enemies in there scared me.

also, resident evil 3, the nemesis guy.
Actually, I think the scariest enemy wasn't really an enemy at all. It was the Sanity effects of Eternal Darkness. Those messed with your head so much. Turn a corner, see 5 zombies, game says your controller is unplugged. You dive to fix it, it's in already, you stare as your character gets torn to pieces. Then the screen flashes and the zombies are gone and you're ok.

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