Remember renting games? What game did you rent the most?


That was always fun as a kid to go the local video store and grab a game and a movie. Maybe if parents were feeling extra nice that day...2 games! I remember the games I rented most were Kirby All Stars and Goldeneye 007. Good ol days.
I remembered renting Final Fantasy III (VI in Japan) for the SNES... which was a bad idea. The game was great but not really "renting" material. I also rented Mega Man X and that was pretty fun.
Super Star Wars. That's what I would rent when all the newer games were taken. My dad would always get Contra 3 or one of the Desert Strike games.

To be fair, we had one of those "Keep it until you want to return it for a flat monthly rate" deals. So I kept it for like 3 months. Scratched the hell out of it too. Fuck Blockbuster.

I also would switch scratched discs with the Blockbuster copy and then return them.
Kirby 64, Snowboard Kids I and II, Banjo-Kazooie, Bomberman, every Tony Hawk game under the sun...
RIP Hollywood Video
My local Blockbuster used to put games in VHS sized cases. And I remember renting FF7 and walking out with 3 tape boxes tied together. My dad was so pissed, he thought I had rented 3 different items.
I rented Zelda A Link to the Past more times than any other game rental. I honestly cant remember any game rental that I rented more than once, except for LttP.
Gosh I don't even remember...ive rented so many when I was a kid.

One of the first ones though that I remember was Burger Time for the NES. Damn good game.
Star Fox 64. Remember the days when actually getting a new videogame was a rare and exciting event? I rented this game every weekend for a month straight until finally my parents bought it for me. I about crapped my pants when they did.

When I was in middle school I didn't have a rental store near me, but I borrowed SSX Tricky from my friend all the time, that's a game I still play today
Convincing my mom to allow me to rent 2 video games felt like having sex with angels. Blockbuster was the best thing but it got so periodically bad year after year. I hated going back every week hoping the one game I wanted to rent would be available and just getting rejected. What I would rent? I don't remember but most likely had Tony Hawk in the title. Games like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Final Fantasy I owned, though I remember I almost rented Starcraft 64 not realizing I had the same game on the computer. Twisted Metal games were also often rented

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