Rather play old games.

Bretimus_v2 said:
N64 is the only one of my old systems that I still have and I have ~15 carts for it still. Nothing like some WWF with friends. Random winner!!!
Battletanx? Man I could go for some Battletanx right now.
Oops yeah. WCW obviously. I love the big boot to the head move with Kevin Nash in that game.
Mostly it was an excuse to refrence Ultimo Dragon. Such a classic, simple game control system. And yet, with all these updated versions, they just make it overly complicated and ruin the awesome that those old ones posessed.
Have you tried the WWE All-Stars demo? It's super fun.

I also own WWF Legends of Wrestlemania which is similarly arcadey. Really fun, especially for couch multiplayer. All-Stars looks even better though (except sadly it's half full of current wrestlers I don't know).
It's sitting on my HDD as we speak waiting for me to finish paperwork that you keep distracting me from.

See that's the problem, I only know up until 2000 and could give less about catching up on all of it.
danielrbischoff said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
N64 is the only one of my old systems that I still have and I have ~15 carts for it still. Nothing like some WWF with friends. Random winner!!!
Battletanx? Man I could go for some Battletanx right now.
Battletanx was cool I remember renting that think "tanks and explosions count me in!" and my brother made fun of me saying it looked stupid. He didn't like it but I still enjoyed it.

Did anyone play winback? The first one blew my mind
used44 said:
Have you tried the WWE All-Stars demo? It's super fun.

I also own WWF Legends of Wrestlemania which is similarly arcadey. Really fun, especially for couch multiplayer. All-Stars looks even better though (except sadly it's half full of current wrestlers I don't know).

Played it. It was hilariously over-the-top fun. I felt like I should be shoveling quarters into it. Maybe someday when it's $20.
That's how I feel. I really like it and Nick's review was great, but I'm just not willing to pay $60 for it.
Yeah, Nick's review was pretty spot on. I used to own a Smackdown vs Raw for PS2 and that was almost as fun as the N64 games. Roughly the same system, but they messed with a good thing. Although, there were ladies matches. Oh my!
Wrestling games were the bomb-diggity back in the day, all the way from NES to PSX/N64/Saturn. Midway and Acclaim made some excellent titles. They were just fun to play with friends. Period. Maybe this is off topic of wrestling, but they need to bring back digitized graphics...think how much better and HD they could be. A new MK in new school digitized grpahics would be sweeet! No the the HD remakes for PSN and ArcadeLive don't count. A new MK high def digitized 2D fighter. Think of all the colors and animation, smoothness etc.with the new systems compared to the old 16 bit. Same goes for DK! No remake...Brand new digitized adventure! haha.

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