Presidential Election AKA America's Got Politics

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  • Communist lady

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama Got Phone lady

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It really is the best Reality Show on TV.

So which side are you on?

Are you with the fucked up old white lady who becomes antagonizing when she's asked to back up her retarded comments?

Or are you with the fucked up black woman who likes free phones?

As for me? There's only one team I'm on guys

Play it again, Sam.
Lien said:
10 years old jokes are 10 years old.

I saw the episode couple weeks ago in the tv. It can't be old! It can't..

I'm still hip and fresh. Look Lien! Look!

I can't believe the election is a thing that people can get uptight with talking about.
Take my job (please! Huehuhuh). There's always that one guy at work who'll bring up politics quite openly and freely in the break room (not me, btw; fuck off), and then, click, the crowd'll go quiet. The same braggadocios, intelligent men just minutes before become meek little church mice. I hate that someone coined a phrase "politics in the workplace don't mix," because, for what hours you're at work, what better forum to discuss issues as important and frivolous as politics? Yes, our presidential choice is important, but no, not so important that we should become uptight about the thought expressing our political motives with one another. Unless your career is in politics, we're civilians standing in the rafters watching two teams play, wearing our favorite team's sports jersey. And win or lose, we won't get the champagne celebration with the Lombardi trophy. So lighten the fuck up about the election. It happens once every 4 years and there's other games on SportsCenter every day. As looming and large as it may all seem, it's really quite minute in our daily lives. That's the election. Even the important, "groundbreaking" policies of each president's term really won't play a large role in our personal lives, they just won't and don't. So talk about it, even if you don't know what you're talking about. That's the entire point of this thing anyway.

I suppose people who are into this stuff don't really make it easy on those who aren't into it, though. Hmm. It's aggravating watching the uninformed talk politics. Beyond aggravating. Like watching your 6 year old cousin play a video game. "What the fuck are you doing! How can you suck so much!" aggravating.

Yeah, on second thought just pass the damn controller to someone who knows what the hell they're doing.

this bit of reverse-reverse psychology will no doubt work on someone. maybe i've changed a spambot's mind.
Optimus-Crime said:
I can't believe the election is a thing that people can get uptight with talking about.
Take my job (please! Huehuhuh). There's always that one guy at work who'll bring up politics quite openly and freely in the break room (not me, btw; fuck off), and then, click, the crowd'll go quiet. The same braggadocios, intelligent men just minutes before become meek little church mice. I hate that someone coined a phrase "politics in the workplace don't mix," because, for what hours you're at work, what better forum to discuss issues as important and frivolous as politics.

I think it really just comes down to the fact that people tend to get pretty angry and resentful when you question their worldview, especially anymore. My dad is a pretty good example. He's said shit like there's going to be a civil war if Obama is reelected - really typical bigoted redneck bullshit. I throw his "facts" in his face all the time with real facts and numbers (real facts, fuck me, right?) and he'll just say stuff like, oh you're wrong or other stuff without anything to support him. It just gets to the point where it's not worth it, so I pretty much just ignore him when he wants to get into the political talk.
Optimus-Crime said:
I suppose people who are into this stuff don't really make it easy on those who aren't into it, though. Hmm. It's aggravating watching the uninformed talk politics. Beyond aggravating. Like watching your 6 year old cousin play a video game. "What the fuck are you doing! How can you suck so much!" aggravating.

This is why I avoid politic discussions like a plague. Having a structured debate is nice but when it devolves into personal attacks and calling each other Nazis or socialists (even Nazi Socialists) then there's no point to it.
That communist lady kinda pissed me off. She's borderline insulting has she's trying to save face after being a total bitch. And btw, when you keep saying "you don't know?" over and over again it means that apprently she doesn't know either.

At least the phone lady is funny. I'm voting her.
Local ballot had Republican, Democrat, and Libetarian and some "by petition" I've never heard of. Gotta feel bad for the Green, Liberty and Justice Parties for not even making the big show here in Nebraska.
I've been on the fence lately on whether or not I was even going to vote at all.

Romney for all his faults is not a fanatic which is what I am most fearful of. If some nut job like Bachman had been nominated then I would have been out there first thing voting against her. Romney is a moderate pretending to be more conservative than he actually is to shore up his base voters. The worst he will do if elected is give more tax breaks to his 1% buddies but he won'/t do anything radical or drastic.

Obama is better in some areas, like his support for gay marriage(fun side note, some black pastors here in Chicago have been telling their members to stay home on election day rather than vote for someone who supports gays or a Mormon.) and his trying to improve the healthcare system here, but he is puzzling in other areas like his harsh stance on weed (which is even more puzzling when you factor in that he used to partake in the enjoyment of said weed in his youth.) And he has been a complete failure when it came to his plan to help families with underwater mortgages. We tried to do the mortgage modification program and lets just say that our house ended up in a short sale.

It might sound kind of petty but I've been leaning towards voting for Obama this time around again just out of spite of all the bat shit insane seniors I've been seeing all over that consertative pundits have whipped up into a frothing frenzy. The other day I drove by some old guy with a handmade sign on their car with a picture of Obama in a circle with a cross through it Ghostbusters style. We were actually having a realtor take us through a house we were considering buying last week when the elderly wife of the home started talking to my wife unprompted about how she needed to vote for god and vote against Obama because he was a Muslim and was just hiding it from everyone.

There is a certain vehemence these people have towards Obama that I have not seen to such a degree before in other elections and it makes me want to vote for him just to see these people even further lose their minds when he wins again. Like I said, if that makes me petty, so be it. It will give me a reason to listen to this again...
As a New Zealander who doesn't even care about local politics, let alone international ones, all I have to say on the matter is this.
Honestly I was leaning Romney, but when Pres. Obama made him look foolish regarding his comment on the Navy having less ships now than in 1917 i gained a little respect for him, and in turn lost a bit for Romney. Being from a family with 4 generations of Naval service it scares me that a potential president could be so out of touch with how today's Navy operates.
Video of that exchange-

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