If youtube proved me something...


...Is that sometimes i REALLY hate the gaming community when the topic of sexism is involved. Allow me to explain.

So i am subscribed to the feminist frequency on youtube, a feminist blogger who talks about certain sexist subject happening in the media like in movies, books and even commercials (when's the last time you saw a lego toy targeted for boys AND girls?) She made a series of videos explaining some tropes concerning woman in the media that was popularized by that website TVtropes (like the woman in refrigerator or the straw feminist). It got very well received and was even featured on some university classes (that's how i found out about her in woman and film history classes) Two years has past and now she wants to do a new series of tropes but this time concentrating on video game.
So she started a kickstarter to set it off at this link:
She made26 thousand dollars and it's all set ready to go! But this topic is NOT about her OR her kickstarter. I mean hey! People donated to her project and she is working on it and good for her and them. I didn't donate but I'm looking forward for them! Doesn't even concern us gamers till she makes the videos if you ask me...

But it's the comments under the youtube video of her kickstarter (and the fact it already got 2000 dislike even though it's been posted barely yesterday) that makes me cry for the video game community. Comments like this:
If you're giving her $26,000 for Youtube videos, they damn well better change the world.
That's kind of my point. Why not throw some money out for orphaned children or something? Why is THIS more important than all the other issues in the world?
In the end, it's all self-interest. Women want to feel better about themselves when they have no issues to begin with.
Or this
"Oh no, I'm portrayed as a sexy hot figure! Woe is me!"

I think women complain, for the sake of complaining.

Women "stereotypes" got it of so much better than other "stereotypes"

For example, Black people in media are either always portrayed as a Thug-Gangsta, little scrawny nerd-geek, jock, or with lightning super powers.

Asians are always viewed in media as some sort of Buddist Monk meditating for like 20 hours a day.

And women are complaining that they are seen as hot? Give me a break.
The list goes on and lots of comments that tries to defend the youtuber gets buried under an armada of hate comments directed to each other.

So... be right back, gonna go hang myself...

Your thoughts GR?

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