post in here if your parents hit...

Bretimus_v2 said:
Two minutes in the bin for us. My kids don't respond "positively" to spankings; they just get physical back at you. The time out works like a reset button. The important part for us is the "return". We restate the offense, remind the consequence and reinforce affection. The four year-old (it was his b-day on Saturday) responds really well, but he's also the easy one. Most of our parenting discipline has been through a positive responsibility chart.

I have a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I used to smack my daughters hands whenever she went for something dangerous to get the point across (scissors, wall plugs etc etc) and it seemed to work. So far she's very responsible and even guides my son on what they can and cannot touch or play with. But of course kids will be kids and you still need to watch out for them.

My first line of dealing with bad behavior is time outs, be it sending them to there rooms, or making them stand in the corner, hands at there sides and facing the wall. The longer they scream in there rooms, the longer they stay in there until they get the hint. The more times they bounce up and down or don't look in the corner the longer they stand in the corner.

If said time outs don't work then yes, I will give my kids a smack on the ass. I give them fair warning beforehand and explain to them why they're in trouble and how to solve the problem. After I spank them, I kneel down beside them and ask them why they got a spanking. Until they tell me what they did wrong, they aren't allowed to go anywhere.

I will admit, I have given my daughter a smack on the head before. But it's not something I do often because those types of behaviors translate through the child into there interactions with other kids. Sometimes it's a sudden reaction from my behalf based on what she has said (swear words, snobby little attitude on her face). That, I got from my father.

What I cannot stand, and will not tolerate is disrespect from my kids when they are TRYING to be disrespectful. I refuse to be one of those parents in public who have to drag screaming kids around and get yelled at because I won't buy them a toy or candy.

My kids listen to me when I break out the "countdown" from 3 or if we are in public and I snap my finger to tell them to stop with a point in there direction. I get a lot of compliments when I'm out by myself and the kids listen to me and behave. but they also look happy. I take a lot of pride in it.

That being said, I feel my kids don't hate me. They still want to play, tell me they love me, give me hugs, want me to sing them bedtime songs and all that jazz and for me that's the perfect balance.

The wife complains sometimes that I'm too strict with the kids, but then she turns around and gets upset because they don't listen to her like they do with me .. they walk all over her all the time.

One of the best peices of advice I ever received from my family was "if they are young, and they haven't napped it's usually not there fault for breaking down". I find if I make them nap before we go out for the afternoon everyone is a lot happier.
Daddio said:
The wife complains sometimes that I'm too strict with the kids, but then she turns around and gets upset because they don't listen to her like they do with me .. they walk all over her all the time.

lol pushover wife. why doesnt she just do what you do?
lokness said:
lol pushover wife. why doesnt she just do what you do?

Doesn't have it in her I guess, just last night she was trying to put them to bed when I was upstairs and all I hear is "YOU GUYS THINK I'M JUST A BIG JOKE!". They were kicking and screaming so I had to go down there and then they both jumped into bed, haha.

If only it always worked like that ...
You guys aren't the only ones like that. My friend at work says she has trouble commanding her kids too. But she always plays the "I'll tell Dad on you" card and said that usually works.
piracer said:
See Date Night? Clearly the countdown rules all.

If we weren`t parents, that movie could have possibly sucked. When she started going off about the kids being surprised every night they have to put on there pajamas and go to bed, we started laughing our asses off!

Every single damn night it`s like we are torturing them when it`s bedtime .. doesn`t matter if we put them to bed at 8pm or 11pm and my daughter STILL wakes up at 530-6am every damn morning.

We had a house party last summer and I really wanted the kids to be around just to see all of our friends (ok, and have a few beers with dad ... jk), my son passed out around 8pm from all the excitement but my daughter somehow stayed up until 3am ... she was up at 6 no problem.
Testify, Brother!

Kids can hold down the craziest sleep schedules and the problem is that you can't. Nothing worse than waking up to a tiny face an inch from yours asking you what you're going to make for five in the morning.

That's when I start thinking beatings may be a acceptable discipline. ;)
Bretimus_v2 said:
Testify, Brother!

Kids can hold down the craziest sleep schedules and the problem is that you can't. Nothing worse than waking up to a tiny face an inch from yours asking you what you're going to make for five in the morning.

That's when I start thinking beatings may be a acceptable discipline. ;)

We set the tv to the cartoon channel and she knows how to turn it on in the morning .. but she still begs for food, half the time she doesn't even finish it either! This mornin she woke up at 530, I put her ass back in her room . lol.
Oh god! I've made children now I have to take care of them!?!?


P.S. Dogs wake me up at 5 am and I lock them outside. Dogs > Kids.
I know, right?

I complain, but in all don't get a "Best Dad EVAR!!!" t-shirt without being truly extraordinary.

Also, kids shed less, I'll take toys over hair stuck to everything any day.
I'm kidding. I couldn't be a father. It is hard work.

I'd lock my kid in a cage like I do my dogs.

Come to think of it I'm a bad dog owner too <.<
It all comes with the territory, but I'd never trade up being a father. Nothing like getting a #1 Dad sheriff badge coffee mug on Fathers Day. I've learned how to;


That being said, I reserve the right to bitch about the little hellions from tmie to time.

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