Party for Borderlands!


DId anyone pick up Borderlands? If you haven't you should really consider getting it! I am looking to make a party of four. I Honestly don't care if you suck or never played a FPS before, just grab the game!
I would have grabbed it for 360 but Gamestop was out, so I cashed in on the advantage of having all current-gen consoles.
I have it for the 360, since the wireless on my ps3 is not that good. But yet very fun game, tried it online but it was weird, can you only follow the host's missions? I might just host my own, i am a level 22 solider with a kickass smg.
If anyone is getting it for PC (coming out in a few hours bitches!!!) feel free to pm me.

We are 1 man short of a full 4 man party here.
Yeah it does remind me of WoW in a way, but it's pretty kickass too. I really like the random drops and the ridiculous amount of guns is incredible.
It seems like a mask though....I dont know I am enjoying it and its fun as hell...but it's also pretty....generic in a way.
I already posted this in the PC topic, but if you guys aren't aware of it yet, the weapon's stats are only displaying the first 4 lines of text. So if you have weapons or class mods that have more than 4 perks or bonuses to them, you're only seeing the first 4.

A lot of people are pissed off about this and its obviously a major oversight by gearbox. So yea, if you have some neat purple or orange weapons that you don't really see the point of by looking at its weapon card, there may be more to it than it reads.

This issue affects all versions of the game, but there's currently a way to get around it if you have the PC version, I posted the tweak in Stal's topic in the pc forum.

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