OoT: Race to Puberty

Affen said:
So hard to watch. I wish I could slap my past self.
You have nothing to feel bad about! You hadn't played it through, so that was a pretty damn good show. Doing the whole run in one sitting while live recording with other people in a race-like setting is a lot of pressure, or at very least not the usual comfortable gaming circumstance. I think we all did well for not having practiced.

UghRochester said:
I was actually going to do another run solo to redeem myself, because now I know what to do.
You should. Maybe learn some tricks if you are so inclined (I'm personally totally not :p), and put it up on your channel.

I want to take a lot of sound clips from the run... Haha. It features classics like Affen's "This is bullshit," and UghRochester's "Chocolate!" complementing MattAY's "Let's get the FUDGE outta here." There are also such gems as "...It's a f*ckin' map. Like I need that." Also, "No, Navi -- Get off of that carpet!"
Haha yeah, some great quotes in this run! Hey Affen - GIMME DIK!!

And yeah Howie, do another round if you're up to it. I'd be interested to see how much time you'd shave off.
Sightless said:
I want to take a lot of sound clips from the run... Haha. It features classics like Affen's "This is bullshit," and UghRochester's "Chocolate!" complementing MattAY's "Let's get the FUDGE outta here." There are also such gems as "...It's a f*ckin' map. Like I need that." Also, "No, Navi -- Get off of that carpet!"
I really want to hear you get all frustrated and say "Al-Alright everbody calm down!" That was a great laugh. And Affen saying "This game...is really pissing me off was great too."
For some reason, I keep going back to the first video and listen to MattAY say "Hello, Git."

MattAY said:
Haha yeah, some great quotes in this run! Hey Affen - GIMME DIK!!

And yeah Howie, do another round if you're up to it. I'd be interested to see how much time you'd shave off.
I'll do it now!
Sightless said:
You have nothing to feel bad about!

Fetching the stick from Kokiri Forest when they were available in pots in Goron city was a really bad decision. More will come to mind when more parts are uploaded.
But there's no way you could have known that there were sticks there. I found a stick there and then wasted it anyway! So I also had to go back and run around in a town that does have a shop but not even know where it is, then gave up, went back, realized there is another stick in that pot, but I just hadn't exited the area properly. :( I had the time to catch up while you were looking for a stick, but I wasted it doing the same thing as you! lol

UghRochester, I saw your new time. Very decent! And yeah, I go back to listen to certain parts too. ;)
Just saw ughs video on my subs thing and jumped in here with an idea.

So guys, how much power do all your computers have? I know ugh is running a powerful enough laptop, but i don't know what everyone else is running.

Because, maybe...
Twilight Princess speed run on Dolphin 3.5?
There's a PAL Gamecube torrent floating around, and dolphin is nicely efficient so i'm thinking most of you guys wouldn't have lag problems. You're all running dual or quad cores, yeah?
Thoughts? Anybody else like Twilight Princess, or have an idea of where to speedun to in it?

I like the race-skype thing, and think there should be more. Seems cool, and there's a bunch of awesome easily to emulate games. Think of the PS1 games, or maybe even DS games. Diamond/Pearl race?

(Quickly for you'se who don't know - PAL games run at 50hz while NTSC games run 60hz. The framerate is generally locked to the refresh rate - so asking your PC to do 50 frames per second instead of 60 means you're less likely to have slowdowns)
UghRochester said:
I'm not sure about that. Sightless was using an actual Nintendo 64 and MattAY was using his GameCube.
MattAY was on wii, wasn't he? but yeah. Not sure, like i said see who's got what and organize some more. Even androids these days can do PS1 games so that shouldn't be hard.

If you wanna give it a test it's a pretty fast torrent, you can see what it runs like. I've tried NTSC and the PAL copy i'm downloading now will be done soon, so i'll see if there really is much difference.

I might be up for it later. Only reason i didn't want in for OOT was because i suck at it. If i lose skype for a minute every now and then it wouldn't be hard to put back in if i record at the same time.

I feel really bad for MattAY. Dude had to re-play everything based on his voice chat, which is another reason to do most things through emulators. I've recorded with both fraps and bandicam on at the same time in the past, to separate drives. Fraps for the main (better quality), bandicam for the small-sized backup.
Haha it wasnt too bad. I played the audio, then started the video 20 seconds after so I'd know what was coming up shortly. I'm just annoyed stuff doesnt line up. I'd go, "OH SHIT!" and in the video footage I'd just be walking along a corridor...doesnt add up.
I was playing on my wii, but it was a gamecube disc on a GC controller...so essentially it was a gamecube.

I'm up for Twilight Princess running. I love that game! Maybe not the whole thing at once! Maybe if we run until the end of the Forest Temple? Because you have to go through a lot of crap to get there, which I imagine would take up a good hour or so. I have that on the Wii so I'll just do that same thing I did with OoT...worked like a charm before right? ;)
It'd be a pain to do wii twilight princess with the current video set up. The GC version is 4:3 while the Wii is 16:9.
Also, the GC loads about 1/3rd quicker for some reason, while the wii gets a slightly quicker spin attack.
I don't think I'd be able to run an emu and capture it at the same time on this computer. It's pretty bad. But I wouldn't do Twilight Princess anyway, because if this took me a few hours, then Twilight is going to take like fifteen. Ha.
If it makes you feel better Sightless, I couldn't run it because I lack funds to get the equipment.

But I am thoroughly amused by the race so far. Keep it up guys.
Sightless said:
I don't think I'd be able to run an emu and capture it at the same time on this computer. It's pretty bad. But I wouldn't do Twilight Princess anyway, because if this took me a few hours, then Twilight is going to take like fifteen. Ha.
Twilight princess wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't a long run, but yeah if only 1/2 of our computers can run it, seems pretty pointless.

You should do a test of how your PC does with, like, bandicam and pSX 1.13 or ePSXe to see if there's any problems, because if that works for you it'd expand the list of cool games people want to race in a bit. What other N64 games does everyone have/like?

We could do a start to finish run of FF7, right guys?
Festival-Temple said:
Upload hits 100%, then processing stays at 0% forever.

(Sixth failure in a row now)

I even re-encoded it this time, youtube! And I've already sacrificed my firstborn! WHAT MORE DO YOU ASK??

Damn Twilight Princess was forgettable. When I first saw the name here I thought it had something to do with ponies. I have it for the Gamecube, but with emulators I think that might be hard for a large number of people to do and record at the same time. I was thinking of keeping it to N64 and PS1 games for being accessible.

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