Ok gang, let's talk about intelligent subjects instead


Dear lord! all this silly posts and not one things that brings the IQ in all of us! and we are close to the end of the Saturday party. PFFF like GL can get a 4k party started without any respect from literally sources? Well allow me to save this "partay" with a PARLAY! (oh i do so amuse myself sometime!) Here! with the great Gatsby!


First, before i talk about anything let me talk about why F.Scott Fitzgerald's the great Gatsby is an important literature. Now to understand the importance of the novel, we must first look deeper into the politics of the 1920's or if you want it more brief, into the micro governance of pre depression American era. Per se, the rise of the cultural elites following the end of the industrial revolution and after the great war. This division also reinforce small population groups to be influence more by the governance of the rich aristocrats rather then the government itself as we often see in the great novel when Gatsby host his parties and all his guests want to be more like him. Even though Gatsby does not drink liquor once in the entire novel nor does he throws himself with the party-goers. It was also greatly represented during the middle of the novel when Gastby was questioned why he never even swam in his pool t which Gastby responded by saying it is reserve for the leisure of his guests and not of his own. A principal he then betrays in the end to his death (Spoiler!). But it also pursue his inner struggle to go back in the past and see life differently then he has now. One where his glamor would be dimmed had he follow the love of his heart. But the main subject in the entire novel isn't Gatsby past but of what could of been. Had he follow his heart instead of being a risk taker to improve his career lead him to a better life? Well once thing for sure, all though out the story we do see the recurrence of the color yellow, the same hair color his previous love had once long ago. His yellow car, his yellow vest, his yellow hat, his yellow gates, etc... It seems Gatsby really wish he could redo that one pivotal life decision he made in his past. Perhaps he was unhappy? perhaps he was just a bored upper class citizen. Or perhaps he regretted his current status as he seems to be enriching himself though the illegal liquor trade of the era giving him a dull reputation among the social norm abut a high and great important friend circle on those who care not for normality. Still why doesn't Gatsby go party with his friends instead of being a recluse? He throws the best party in the state, not even his richer and more successful friends can pull of the same parties! Why many of them even openly say they want to be like Gatsby and attend those parties to mimic him, to learn his ways. But little did they know that Gatsby thought all of them as fools... saved for the protagonist... who...


ok gang... the coast is clear, if the mods read through all this... they must be asleep way before i starting yammering about Gatsby's stupid past.... SEND IN THE PONIES!













It's ok de-ting,

Even if you cannot accept who i am, I gotta learn to love and tolerate ya. So i will.

Here, have some feels

And my i recommend we community watch season 2 episode 10: secret of my excess? Sure it's a funny episode but I love how it explore the lore of dragons. The greedier they get, the more dangerous they become. Then there's that one scene where i just get so many feels man... you know which part:

Also applejack is best pony, screw you haters!
Sightless said:
And no, I haven't seen MLP. I'm too scared to.

Sorry, i just wanted to post my ponies. I'm sure it's still GR Saturday party somewhere in the world...

...and here ya go sightless watch it... then pick a pony... piiiiiick ooooooooone!

OK next week's saturday party i won't post pony pics.
I want to say I was expecting the woman in blue to give this review, but I'd only be lying.

You know how a homeless man knows freedom in ways that we'll never know it? That video is the same way.
Oh, I've already picked my favourite pony. But it was based off of a series of anthropomorphosed My Little Pony characters.

Still not watching it. TRY AND MAKE ME.
Fourteen hours, that's all? Wuss. Extended ~special~ editions with commentary and all bonus materials! Let's get pizza, popcorn, soda, juice, fuzzy peaches, smarties, coffee crisps, glossette raisins, and ketchup chips. MORE PARTY!
Sightless said:
Fourteen hours, that's all? Wuss. Extended ~special~ editions with commentary and all bonus materials! Let's get pizza, popcorn, soda, juice, fuzzy peaches, smarties, coffee crisps, glossette raisins, and ketchup chips. MORE PARTY!

LOL if you're going to out-geek me at least get some zesty cheese doritos!
Every time you guys say a 4k party I think we are all going to get together and watch a new 4k resolution tv.....the TV never comes :cry:

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