New books!


So I just made a big book order, right. I was on amazon the other night looking for a human rights textbook and got a bit carried away with books i really wanted!

I ended up going for:

"The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" by Haruki Murakami

"Notes from the Underground" by my beloved Dostoevsky

"The brothers Karamazov" also by F.D

"Finding Your Way without a Map" by Harold Gatty; a neat little book from the fifties! I suck at directions so I'm looking forward to this.

"Primitive Living, Self-Sufficiency, and Survival Skills: A Field Guide to Primitive Living Skills" by Thomas J. Elpel. I'm no outdoor freak, but I'm nowhere near as equipped with basic outdoor skills as I'd like to be!

"The Most of S.J.Perelman" by S.J. Perelman. On recommendation; apparently this dude wrote some marx bros scripts.

"Knife of Dreams" by Robert Jordan. Not there yet, but the 11th wheel of time book is the one I'm missing.

"Down and Out in Paris and London" by George Orwell. My girlfriend really liked this one so i thought I'd give it a go.

"Wild Food (Natural history photographic guides)" by Roger Phillips. Looks like the best guide to edible wild growth in england that i've come across! I've used dandelion leaves in pies and ground up the roots to make dandelion coffee, made sloe and damson gin, blackberry crumble...I can't wait to find out what more tasty treats are within a good walk of my house!

I also got the human rights textbook i went on there for, but talk about the least exciting!

I still have a bunch of malcolm pryce books I want, but this will satisfy me for a while.

SO PALS! What're you reading? What do you want to be reading?
I just recently started reading "A Game of Thrones" by George R R Martin, and currently am about 80% through it. But I have enjoyed it so much thus far that I just ordered the other three books of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series.
I'm currently reading "The men who stares at goat". And all i can say about it is, the movie it was based on was more fact then you can think of.

I've also recently read a book in the bookstore but i forgot what the name was... It was about the moon landing. In it, it said that after Neil Armstrong did his first step and said the historical words, he did a few jumps and said "YABBA DABBA DOO!". Wow... he was a Flintstones nerd...
I finished "1984" for the second time a couple of days ago.

I read "Crime and Punishment" some months ago and I was thinking about reading Dostoevsky again, any recommendations?
^^if you like Russian literature, may i recommended Gogol? Like "the nose" and other short stories.
The main book I'm reading is Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace.

But I've also recently started but not really kept up with The Art of Indexing and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Further back I started Laughter in the Dark but haven't picked it up in some time.
just read soccernomics, I believe it's called "why england lose", in europe. It's basically a moneyball/freakonomics style look on soccer, an alright read but it got pretty contradictory in places. Kinda feel dumb for buying it, but hey, I had a gift card!
I liked George Orwell's 1984. Google with the "Street-view" shows how much Big Brother is actually watching us. I don't think I read Down and Out in Paris London though. Then again it's been a while since I read a decent novel.
I'm currently reading "Darkly Dreaming Dexter".

I was also given "The Road" for Christmas so that may be next. After that is another Christmas present, "The Gunrunner" written by Hugh Laurie of House fame.

Just the other day I picked up "A Fighter's Heart" by Sam Sheridan.
Lately I've been reading cookbooks. So I can learn how to be a good cook.

Before that I read The Third Chimpanzee, by Jared Diamond (he also wrote Guns, Germs, and Steeel, & Collapse). Its about how if humans share over 98% of our DNA with chimps, then how can we be so different? Or are we actually more similar than we think? I would reccommnend it to anyone interested in anthropology, human origins, natural history, or monkeys.
We read Tuesdays with Morrie in my english class a month or so ago, ITR. That was a really good book. The movie's pretty good too.
I'm also thinking about buying some Dostoevsky. Get in touch with my Russian side.

I finished The Life of Pi yesterday. It was mainly a travel book. I did really enjoy the last chapters, though. Not sure if I'd recommend it :/
Tuesday's with Morrie was quite nice.

Telefono, I also read (and absolutely loved) Crime and Punishment. I've been recommended to move on to the brothers karamazov, which I've been told is also great.

EliaSoZ, if you're after Dostoevsky I can't recommend C&P highly enough. It's not an easy read but it's certainly one i'll never forget.

Also bretimus, let me know how the mistborn books are...i'd like to hear!
I also highly suggest "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. I've heard his other book "Everything is Illuminated" is quite good too but haven't read it.
One PIece Volume 25...


No seriously, I'm reading Garfield right now. I finished One PIece.
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

It's the book The Witcher was based off of, and it is absolutely fantastic.

Also I got The Darkness compendium, which was the first 40 comics. So it was about 1200 pages long. Also really good.

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