Movie Club - A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

I know this movie is well known for being Henry Fonda's first big role as a bad guy after playing white hats in westerns his whole career, and even if you don't know that context, that still pops off screen somehow. He's so charming even as this totally evil guy.
So.. I liked the story, and can now see why it was 3hrs long. I mean, this film didnt dick around - there were some tense 'oh shit moments, but I still think it could've been cut by 45 mins on all the long and drawn out scenes. Bronson had some bad ass lines along with the main villain, but the best part about it was guessing "who the fuck is Bronson supposed to be" - just some badass or is there some story to him. Obviously we find out later. Bronson is a god and the supporting cast was great, but I was SUPER distracted by how terrible the dubbing was. It was distracting, and i can usually look past that sort of thing - it definitely made the movie feel longer. The beginning and the end of the film were unnecessarily long. How important was that fly scene to telling the story or even trumping up that bad guy as super bad ass( The hat water drinker was cool tho).

There is something to these westerns. I get why people love them so much - the stoic wanderers, the citizen lawmen out for justice on the prairie, the local whore you eventually marry and move to the country only to have her stab you in the back. Big business/ tycoons are always the villains, the lone 'only as a means to an end' murderer will always be rooted for in our culture. :roll: Glad I finally sat down to watch it - and appreciate Bronson as an adult.

The winner of the thing was MattAY! Choose by the weekend, please!
Haha! Sorry guys, I did kind of drop off the radar with this topic. But my suggestion is a fairly recent film that I'm betting some of you have seen - I find it really good.

Little Children (2006).

It's a surburban drama, which reminds me of American Beauty but darker. The narrator takes a little getting used to though.

Hope you enjoy!
So did anybody want to talk about Little Children or should we bounce ahead early?

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