Metal Gear: Rising - "Raiden is back!"


So it was confirmed at the E3 Microsoft conference.
Kojima is working on Metal Gear Rising which is also due to release on the 360.

Instead of Tactical Stealth Game as it was with Solid Snake, it read: Lighting Bolt Action.

I want to see footage.
Sounds iffy. The only reason I say this is that because the release is coming out onto the 360 too it means the graphics will be toned down and the overall content of the game will be less because the 360 discs can't hold as much memory.
They could, of course, make it multi disc however.

Either way, when it gets released in 20 years time I will want to read many reviews before touching it. I don't like the girly man they call Raiden
I am excited and, amazingly, as a PS3 owner I have no console-envy. I don't mind sharing and am excited because guess which system his team is well-practiced at making games on?

Also, it'll be a nice direction. Let's face it, MGS4 has a much different pace than the other games (That is to say, it is capable still decide stealth or all-out-assault.)

I agree with Tylz, footage please.
Come on, Bret. You know how Kojima Productions and Konami as a whole deal with MGS games. You'll have your footage at the next E3. This one tells you about it, next year will give you some footage, 2011 will show you gameplay, 2012 will tell you more, show you a nice cinematic and some gameplay, and then by 2013 it will have a 2017 release date.
Yup, I can only imagine what kind of snags the Koji Pros will run into debugging on two systems.

But I want to be an optimist. At least they're not Square Enix.
Hmmm, I'm not concerned at all about graphics being toned down, doubt that will happen.

I am however, concerned about the gameplay. I definitely want to see footage. As well as how that picture of Big Boss shown on the teaser site factors in.

Seeing as how Raiden is the only* man-girl that gives me confusing feelings in my pants-- I have to say, I'm pretty excited!

*Maybe David Bowie too, but he's ALLLLL man in my book!
schimmel said:
coming out onto the 360 too it means the graphics will be toned down

No it doesn't. A lot of 360 games look better than their PS3 counterparts. They may be able to have it look as good as MGS4.

I just hope that it will be reminiscent of MGS contrary to what they said about "lightning bolt action". Last thing I want is a MG title that feels like Dirge of Cerebrus.
I still want to go with Longo's idea of this being Gray Fox, not Raiden. It would be cool too.

Now instead of ranting, I'm going to think of the positive.
1. It could come to PS3 too (or even Wii :p)
2. It could be spinoff and it's story wouldn't be canon.
3. They're lying and it's not actually on 360. (Oh how I wish that was true :()

Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see.
I think it was announced it's for three consoles, 360, PS3 and PC. Though IGN said it's exclusive to 360 but kotaku denies this.

Also, Kojima has a bunch of announcements coming tomorrow as well I'm sure.
EliaSoZ said:
I think it was announced it's for three consoles, 360, PS3 and PC. Though IGN said it's exclusive to 360 but kotaku denies this.

Also, Kojima has a bunch of announcements coming tomorrow as well I'm sure.
Indeed, Raising will be multiplatform for those 3, while Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker will be a PSP exclusive and to be honest with ya...thats the game I'm excited about, a real MGS not sime Devil May Cry spinoff, the only MGS spinoff I liked is AC!D...I was hopiing for a 3rd game but I think that was only produced and not directed by Kojima, I dont see Raising as amazing as all MGS
Anyway, I can pretty much guarentee that it's going to be multiplatform, for 360, PS3 and PC.

also a Metal Gear game for PSP
Lethean said:
De-Ting said:
Lethean said:
schimmel said:
coming out onto the 360 too it means the graphics will be toned down
They may be able to have it look as good as MGS4.
Sorry, but I lol'd.

Why? Because I said *may*? Stop being a fanboy you douche.
Don't give me crap because you think the 360 has the hardware to run something even the PS3 has to install data for to run smoothly. This isn't a matter of "lololol we has exclusive you wish you hads."
Why the fuck would I care? I own both systems.

They can tweak a game engine, alter stuff here and there.

What are you like 17? I'll give you crap because you're a douchey 17 year old.
No need to argue...literally, you're actually arguing over nothing.

I knew buying a 360 would pay off greatly! A part of me wants them to eventually remake MGS4 for the 360. Very wishful thinking I know :(

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