It's Happening

You think you americans have problems, everything you described is happening in australia too with the only difference being our leaders are literally retarded.

What a world we live in huh. 45 years ago we were all set to go to mars and build moon bases, have a permanent presence on other worlds before the century was ended, etc. Now we live in a world filled with shit where we'll be lucky not to nuke ourselves to death over fucking drinking water in 35 years.
madster111 said:
Wicked, if you really see no problem with the current state of the world i want you to go here:

That's google, keeping a record of every single search you have ever made while signed in. While you're there, click the options and remove all from the beginning of time and then set it to no longer save.

That's google. Now think of what the NSA has on you. All your phone calls, all your text messages, all your emails, your search history on everything, etc. That time you googled hemorrhoid treatments in 2007? They have that. The time you text your mate telling him how you went past a cop doing 15 over and he didn't notice? They can pull that up and send you the fine in the mail. In court and they need to establish you as a shady character? Pull up your old 'seeing things that aren't there' and 'fertilizer bomb' searches, bam you're now a mentally disturbed terrorist.

I hope to god wikipedia are successful in this because it would put the scare into the dickheads who run/approve these setups. Maybe if the NSA gets taken care of we can get rid of the GCHQ and ASIO, have some fucking privacy back in our lives. At least until DARPA invent a way to remotely read minds.

And again I have nothing to hide so I don't care. So I searched for porn, who hasn't? Like I said there is a difference between someone I know who has a personal interest in snooping on me and would use it to blackmail me (I'll tell your mom you looked at porn if you don't pay me!) Versus someone who has never met me and couldnt care about those oral flavour strips i bought for my girlfriend. You think the government cares about my embarrassing search results? No, they don't, because (hopefully) they have better things to do like bust would-be terrorists and pedophiles. The NSA aren't gonna call me up and in their best Kelso voice from That 70's Show yell "BURN!"

And yeah, I get why people feel creeped out about someone snooping on your personal life. But if you have no idea someone looked up your Google search history would you care? I know the "ignorance is bliss" thing isn't going to cut it for most people but if it truly is for the sake of stopping psychos from blowing up people and pedophiles from stalking kids I really think the ends justify the means.

All those examples you have madster are pretty weak.... I sent my friend a text I was speeding and now I magically have a ticket in the mail? Ooooook... Like I said these minor things you speak of aren't worth the time and effort for the NSA when there are actual criminals out there.

"Wait a second guys! This WickedLiquid fellow was speeding! Oh we got him now!"
"But sir, we have soooo many people to go through, wouldn't it be best if we followed up on the terrorist case?"
"No no! Let's just get that one hoser!"

If that kind of shit happens I'd have been busted looooong ago.
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
GR community moves to Trinidad 2016, let's get to it.

I support this idea, and support your candidacy as new Forum Admin, in the absence of, Dan.


MEAN WHILE: ... y-studies/
X-Men caused 9/11? Yes.. Yes... They did! Think about it...

Cyclops fired into the WTC, Storm caused the smoke, Beast used his political gain to frame it on the MasLums, Wolverine posed as a firefighter and survived the collapse with his healing factor, and Xavier made it look like it was a plane crash all in our mind's eye.....


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