It's Happening

I find it funny how people are obsessed with social media yet want privacy. I'm going to show my 300+ friends on Facebook how pretty my selfie is but the government spying on me is NOT cool. Unless I met them half drunk at a party then I will totes add them.
Your text messages are not posted to facebook - the pictures you select are. Wicked - Its like saying, "Hey dude, come to my house and look at my photo album." but then the guest tries to go into your bedroom and look into your dresser drawers. Privacy for the most part has been voluntarily eroded, and Twitter and Google, and Facebook help the government keep tabs on you. Not in any nefarious way, but in predicting and profiling "threat levels"

Madster... for the most part, its too late. We're screwed. The most you can do is figure out how to maneuver inside this big brother state. The only way out is to shut these agencies down, by eroding their funding - but that will never happen in post 9/11 America. We're doomed. Maybe not right now, but these tools exist and soon someone will take office who has zero concern for their electorate and use it to stifle dissent. Then... it'll be time to relocate.
Hey I'm not saying I want people to go through my dresser drawers but if I have nothing to hide why should I care? Yeah boxer-briefs and socks, happy now? Ok then get the fuck outta my room. :p

The same goes for the internet, I have nothing to hide. It is true I am a private person and like my privacy but if someone I never met who works for the government takes a look at my emails, big deal. This person doesn't know me and probably doesn't care what I'm doing and would move on to someone until they find child porn on their computer.

I would be offended if someone I knew looked through my private messages simply because there is a personal interest there. However in this case I don't know the person and they couldn't care less about me and whatever I'm talking about, just as long as I'm not a sicko or planning to blow up a subway station.

I can totally see why people have a problem with it if they were looking for people committing minor crimes. But in a country where weed is decriminalized I don't feel threatened that the government is gonna kick my door in and bust me over a joint lol. If shit like that is what's going down in the US then fuck the system, rage against the machine, and fight the power.
I don't have much to hide either. My e-mails consist of catch up conversations between interstate and overseas friends, some business (freelance work and GR Strips), lots of digital receipts for buying stuff online and junk mail from

Regardless, even though my e-mail, computer, phone etc. has nothing illegal or incriminating on it, the idea of someone going through it without my permission bothers me.

It's like... one time at judo, one of the kids went looking through my judo bag without my permission or knowing. Nothing was in it except my judo gear, a foam roller, water bottle and my wallet, keys, phone etc... but I had a go at the kid for it, explaining to him that it's my bag, he can't just go through it without asking because that's an invasion of my privacy. He's just a kid though to be fair, but to be fair I am one of his coaches so I kinda have to throw down authority like that.

While I do have nothing to hide, I don't like the idea of someone going through my stuff without my knowledge and permission. That being said though, it's the government so I probably don't have a choice.
Master_Craig said:
It's like... one time at judo, one of the kids went looking through my judo bag without my permission or knowing. Nothing was in it except my judo gear, a foam roller, water bottle and my wallet, keys, phone etc... but I had a go at the kid for it, explaining to him that it's my bag, he can't just go through it without asking because that's an invasion of my privacy.

That is the essence of the issue in its simplest form.
Wicked, if you really see no problem with the current state of the world i want you to go here:

That's google, keeping a record of every single search you have ever made while signed in. While you're there, click the options and remove all from the beginning of time and then set it to no longer save.

That's google. Now think of what the NSA has on you. All your phone calls, all your text messages, all your emails, your search history on everything, etc. That time you googled hemorrhoid treatments in 2007? They have that. The time you text your mate telling him how you went past a cop doing 15 over and he didn't notice? They can pull that up and send you the fine in the mail. In court and they need to establish you as a shady character? Pull up your old 'seeing things that aren't there' and 'fertilizer bomb' searches, bam you're now a mentally disturbed terrorist.

I hope to god wikipedia are successful in this because it would put the scare into the dickheads who run/approve these setups. Maybe if the NSA gets taken care of we can get rid of the GCHQ and ASIO, have some fucking privacy back in our lives. At least until DARPA invent a way to remotely read minds.
Well I didn't vote for it.

Libertarian pride yo', 420420 freeeeeeeeeedom.

Let's move to Trinidad.
Also dont forget how clinton removed the glass steagel act which then allowed for our banking crysis.(and abuse)

And before that we had the older bush. Multiple decades of bad leadership.

My generation knows of no one to trust or believe.

Cant even trust our friend Dan to say goodbye :(
As hard for most people to accept it - Pres. Obama is doing what he can to close loopholes and right wrongs of the past, but the free market nutters will make a stink b/c they consider themselves one step away from the 1%.
UrbanMasque said:
As hard for most people to accept it - Pres. Obama is doing what he can to close loopholes and right wrongs of the past, but the free market nutters will make a stink b/c they consider themselves one step away from the 1%.

yeah and he didn't know Hillary was using private email as well. Stock market and wall street is booming Urbs more than ever (which means the rich are getting richer), so what loopholes and wrongs has he fixed?

Employment is still under 2008 levels, and the only people with rising wages are in the top 10%. More government (which that man favors) means the rich get richer off of corporate welfare and endless money printing goes straight to them. And now they also spy on us, and the slippery slope of 100% internet regulation has begun (because name one time the feds haven't abused their power once they have it).

Police are now pseudo-soldiers who see themselves as urban warriors (Obama could have stopped that program, why hasn't he?), who loot and pillage regular civvies at their will with Civil forfeiture laws.

And honestly, I won't just blame him, because he is just a tool. The real issue here is statism and the growing monster that is the federal government. Democrats and republicans don't matter anymore, because they're the same fucking party. So here you are bitching about them spying on you, and yet the man you support with so much fervor not only allowed the spying but re-signed the patriot act. Claiming ignorance just makes him more of a fucking douchebag.

Oh, and, we're going back to Iraq now. Fantastic job State Department and idiot Warhawks.

So stop blaming the "Free Market" (which we've haven't had in almost 100 years) and republicans and open your eyes and see the truth, the whole system is fucked.

Now it is 1984
Knock-knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
And now they also spy on us
That would imply that this is a new development and not something that's been happening since the internet was first developed.

Evening... eyebrows... welcomeback

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
yeah and he didn't know Hillary was using private email as well. Stock market and wall street is booming Urbs more than ever (which means the rich are getting richer), so what loopholes and wrongs has he fixed?

The things people dwell on, I swear… Hillary’s email will be benghazi pt.2.. And now I’m left citing sources for a person who I’ll never meet and whose opinion I will never change.. Very well… The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - That one was for those off-shore “I earn my money based on US labor, but don’t you dare tax me on itâ€
*le shrug* My focus is government as a whole. As the figurehead of said broken government, he is part of the problem, not the solution.

GR community moves to Trinidad 2016, let's get to it.
Two officers shot by perpetrators hiding behind the protesters in ferguson. This shit is terrifying. I dont want to have to leave my college which is near.

I really don't want a situation in which police and perpetrators are firing at each other with people in the middle.

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