Is there any game you're insanely good at?

used44 said:
Nowadays I'm just ok-to-terrible at every game.

Same here. I used to be good at Quake 1 single and multiplayer, death from the skies with the speed of lightning. But when I recently tried it, I had a hard time getting even a single kill. Could be just the fact that the people who still play the game have played it all their lives.

I could beat Mega Man 2 easily aswell, but now the levels have been erased from my muscle memory.

I was really good at Liero aswell. None of my friends could never beat me as I just fooled around.

I'm such a casual now.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, I was a pro.

That game was my life for the better part of 2-3 years. Numerous TWL Alpha and CAL Invite leagues, played in oversea matches in the NA/European All Star Games, was in the first match that debut Bani's ETPro mod. Was getting ready for Quakecon when I had to drop out. Was banned from numerous public servers for being accused of hacking.

In the 15 years I've played video games, that was the only game I was dominant in. I am good in football games, but the best players still tear me to sheds. I am pretty good in baseball games, but not elite or anything. Everything else I am just average.
I have one game that I am an expert at and one in which I am a God. Call of Duty 2 on the 360 was my daily online addiction for nearly 2 years through high school. I had every map memorized and learned my most creative cuss words through repeated domination on online matches.
Super Smash Bros. on the N64 is my God game. I played this game almost every single night for nearly 4 to 5 hours at a time with my friends and would then go home to practice against the computer solo for the better part of 3 years. I've won several contests at college and have gotten to the point where I rotate through every single character with full handicaps against me. My proudest gaming moment being my 21st birthday playing drunk super smash where my friends fed my a shot for every life I had left after a victory. 2 hours in, laying down, and occasionally throwing up in a bucket I could still stomp all my friends.
I am amazing with the art of stealth in any game. I have anyone that played in the Halo: Reach community playdate as my witness. I don't know why, but I've always been fascinated with that skill.
Star Craft 2

World of Warcraft DPS meters, could never be touched in all the years I played. Played mage, enhance shaman, elemental shaman, balance druid. Also didn't die so the DPS was beneficial. And wasn't in noob guilds. Always in top guilds on the server, though my first server failed.

Gettin there with uncharted 3 multiplayer. Play with negative boosters and a 4.0 KD usually.

Bout it.

Starcraft 2 I was grand master. Quit a while back though when all the epic console games came out in a span of two weeks.

I am not the type that can pick up any game and be awesome at it immediately. But if I like the game enough I will read, study and practice at it enough that I become amazing. I'm above average at games I pick up, but never incrediible off the hop.

Not proud of it in any way though. Have wasted far too many hours of my life struggling to be the best at games. I'm an extremely competative person in everything. I get consumed by it.
Meteos for the DS; could take on three others and still trounce them, as well as go on a 5-life brawl 1 vs 1 and win without losing a life or going as Brabbit.
Somebody, quick. Find us am emulator that does online co-op.

Why does Canada have to stand in between us?

Speaking of WWF, I saw All Stars cheap. I'm thinking of getting it.
Holy cocks, All-Stars is incredible. Get it. Sadly you're on PS3, though (plus, fighting games tend to suck online with even the fastest connections).
I remember spending hours perfecting my CAW throwing it on a save cartridge and matching up against my friend in between school and swim practice.
used44 said:
Holy cocks, All-Stars is incredible. Get it. Sadly you're on PS3, though (plus, fighting games tend to suck online with even the fastest connections).

I freaking love All-Stars.

Bret, Project64k
There ya go.
Any EA NHL game, I cannot be beaten in console vs that is. Online is shit due to connection issues. We used to have huge tournies and I could only play if I used the shittiest ranked team. Which I always found funny.

Back in Star Craft 1 buddy and I were 300 something wins and I think 5 losses, we were a mean Protoss / Zerg combo.

UFC Undisputed 2009. I had over a 200 win fighting streak going after losing my first 10 fights before figuring out how to submit mofos and how to get out of them. Used a glove on my left hand because rotating the left stick so much for the submissions was giving me huge fackin blisters rofl.

I was also a beast in WWF / WCW N64 games. Never lost a tourny.

For the last of my WoW time, I had an Enhance Shammy that couldn't be beaten in the charts, I would join guild raids who needed a PuG dps, they would be all decked out in top notch epics, I would be in blues, and still out do em. I took great joy in turning down there guild offers.

Those were all moments in time when I was on top of my gaming, but by far, the game I was most godly and untouchable was Ultima Online pre Trammel (once they really noobproofed Trammel). I was a disarming thief mage who could steal any weapon I disarmed, I had so many bounties on my head from guilds I robbed it was halarious. A lot of fun 10-13 years ago when I was 15 lol.
^ I was a king at the original Worms. My brothers would weep in fear if I asked them for a game.

I suck at Armageddon though.
I am a nightmare when it comes to handling an airplane in the XBL version of Battlefield 1943. Strafing runs on flak cannons and surviving is one of biggest personal favorites. That and killing infantry hiding in bunkers with firing through the openings.

Next to that, flying attack helo's in Battlefield games while a buddy of mine handles the gunnerseat makes us unstoppable as well. Hovering a helicopter between buildings to kill troopers who do not expect you to be there? Priceless! Joysticks for the win I must say.
To confess: with just a mouse and a keyboard I'm not nearly as good.

I used to attempt and succeed at no-death-runs in the old Capcop NES games. Mostly the Ducktales and Darkwing Duck games. Hitting reset once killed and starting over from scratch. By far the most satisfying run was on Megaman 2- which took me ages to achieve.
With later consoles I tried to do no-death-runs as well, but not nearly as much as with the oldies.

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