Is there anyone who doesn't like Call of Duty?

If you game it with your mates online, it's the best thing ever. Fuck it's fun! Single player isnt that bad.
Okay, first big complaint. The second has much better visibility for snipers on the MP maps. I'm still trying to learn these damn things and sometimes I can't even take two steps.
I do like shooters but not war simulators. Give me something with space and aliens and I'm in.
I liked the history they placed in CoD: WaW. The single player campaign in MW 2 I hated because you're switching roles constantly.
Hey, those Nazi zombies were the ones who were the REAL threat in WWII. They were taken out of the history books so we could all try and forget them after we shot them in the heads.

I mean really, where do you think the Zombie Survival Guide got all its facts?
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
BigZell2020 said:
LinksOcarina said:
Realism in Call of Duty, HA!

You've never re-generated your own health after taking a few biullets?

i think like the rest of us, he tries to avoid getting shot. but hey, we can always try.

I don't usually try not to get shot, I just deflect the bullets with the riot shield I always carry around with me in real life.
BigZell2020 said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
BigZell2020 said:
LinksOcarina said:
Realism in Call of Duty, HA!

You've never re-generated your own health after taking a few biullets?

i think like the rest of us, he tries to avoid getting shot. but hey, we can always try.

I don't usually try not to get shot, I just deflect the bullets with the riot shield I always carry around with me in real life.

Riot shield? ha! Who needs a riot shield when you can use the bodies of your slain enemies?
In real life, I can shoot people and not have to worry about them killing me 2 seconds after they should have been dead.
De-Ting said:
In real life, I can shoot people and not have to worry about them killing me 2 seconds after they should have been dead.

And you don't have to worry about being sniped from 6 people at exactly the same time.
the single player compaign is not enjoyable at all.. the only thing i really like about these games is how incredible the guns feel and sound..

i turn it on, blow shit up for 20 minutes with the volume dialed, get bored and go back to uncharted 2.

uncharted 2 multiplayer is awesome if ya'll haven't tried it
intoTheRain said:
how incredible the guns feel and sound..
Completely agree.

I often grab a .50 cal and snipe with the volume up on my system so loud the frame of my house rattles.
Sounds awesome.
Lethean said:
UghRochester said:
I liked the history they placed in CoD: WaW.

Yeah the zombies are a part of WWII history seldom touched upon.

Excuse me, but if Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade taught me anything about WWII history, it's that the Nazis were always looking for a way to harness the occult in their nefarioius plots.

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