Call of Duty World At War - Set in a new military Theater?

I wanted to rip my eyes out when I played cod3. It was just so boring! I mean its like the developers took crap, shoved it into a game disk then piled on more crap on it then sold it. I watched the trailer for world at war and this sucks HUGE ANUS!! Medal of Honor Rising Sun was more fun to play than cod 3
Letting Treyarch make the next CoD (mind you it's not called Call of Duty 5, they lost their right to make numbered CoD games when 3 sucked as much as it did) is like throwing your retarded stepson a bone, or at least I think so. Whether you like it or not he is still your stepson even if he is retarded and he deserves some love too. So what do you let him do? You let him create something with a big franchise name but tell him that it needs a different name than putting a number after it. This gives Infinity Ward (the boy genius of the family) a chance to take some extra time on his latest invention. The boy genius's one gets to have a number after it (i.e hopefully the true CoD 5) and the retarded stepson's invention will ultimately have you telling him it's nice but then going back to see what the good kid in the family is up to.
I saw the trailer and I stand by my original statement, "this is going to suck". And no flamethrowers would not make it great, flamethrowers would make CoD4 or CoD5 great, not the crap that is about to be sold at $60 a pop until CoD5 comes out.
I just read somewhere that this cod game unlike cod 3 has been development time under it's belt so I guess Treyarch will realized their retarded mistakes and make this better. But I gonna call it now I also read that there will be enemies HIDING IN TREETOPs. So if I was you I would start practice the controller throwing scream now cause although you can use flamethrowers to take them out I have a feeling this will get extremely annoying.
I've nothing against WWII games in general, but seriously, lately it's just been more of the same old...yanks and brits killing germans. Seriously, it was a fucking WORLD war. How about the Soviet Union - Japan campaign in Manchuria? The Finnish - Soviet Winter war? The war in Norway? How about getting to play as German/Italian/Japanese in the single-player campaign? Germans had a 4-1 casualty rate against the Poles during the initial invasion, that'd make a great campaign. Or how about playing as the Finnish sniper that's picked off hundreds of soviet soldiers? The partisan resistance movement in Yugoslavia/France? Seriously, if you look at the CoD series, it's as if the only battles in WWII were:

-Normandy (to Carentan)
-The Eastern front
-North Africa.

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