Longo_2_guns said:I think it's impossible to fully agree with him unless you're a total sociopath, but he's right about a few things. This is a massive industry, and having the heads of several different publications all cozy together as friends who choose who to blacklist and who to promote is damaging to us, the consumers. And you don't need to be a tinfoil hat wearing tea party member to see that they're all friends, just spend ten minutes looking over their twitters.Green_Lantern said:I actually somewhat agree with madster....what the fuck is going on with my life?!
That said, somehow Lien is right about stuff too. No one fucking deserves the amount of harassment Quinn has received over this, nor does anyone deserve death threats or anything of the sort. And we can't just wipe the perpetrators off as just some guys, because you never know when one of those people will actually follow through.
But still, I'm going to go back to my original stance of "this never should've gone this far to begin with." She should've just apologized, and the others implicated (most of which were confirmed, with one by Zoe herself when she told his ex-girlfriend "I didn't know you two were together still at the time" on Twitter) should've done the same and then stepped down. Because despite what Lien says, this isn't slut shaming to be upset that she did something that was professionally wrong (sleeping with her boss) nor is it bad to be upset at the journalists who went completely against all journalistic ethics by developing a deep personal, intimate, sexual, and possibly even romantic relationship with someone they write about. In a good, just world where the unethical people get shaken from the tree, they should've just stepped down and that would've been that.
But that didn't happen.
Instead, nothing happened.
On top of that, if you bring up that something should've happened, you're labelled a misogynist/bigot/lord knows what else, despite the fact that this is barely even about Quinn. (Though it doesn't help that there are people like Madster who are saying she should be lynched)
And that's why people are mad. Because it hasn't been since Gamespot fired Jeff Gerstman has the video game press been so blatant with its corruption and lack of ethics, and yet nothing is happening.
I love video games, but the fact that there is a group of people who determine what games get good press and what games don't sickens me, and the fact that I can't talk about that without being labelled as one of many derogatory things is even worse.
But really, the big reason why this shouldn't have gotten so big is that everyone who pays attention should've realized by now that video games have a lousy, lousy press, and I really just hope that GR continues to do its own thing and never become mixed up in this mess.
This is pretty much along the lines of how I was thinking about the situation. The only part I would disagree with was that nothing happened. A couple of sites at least made an attempt to be more transparent about the relationships between their writers and and game devs they might be friends with or donating money to. It isn't much, but it's better than nothing.
The subject has become so toxic though that it is more or less pointless to keep talking about ethics under anything even closely related to gamergate. It has basically devolved into two sides shouting at each other and any point you try to raise about one thing or the other puts you on one side or the other, if you want to be there or not. Meaningful discussion about the game industry is not going to be found there.
The one thing I do take exception to is certain places trying to turn "gamer" into a dirty word. (So long Cracked. Done with you. Though they are far from the only ones.) They are trying to frame this as suddenly reddit and 4chan are now the MAJORITY of gamers, when that couldn't possibly be further from the truth.
Who the hell are they to be able to decide such things?
Also, because it makes great clickbait, this is all being framed through the lens as male gamers vs females, though it ignores the larger issue of harassment in games. In fact, if you read around different gaming sites before this whole thing blew up, you probably saw more than a few articles on how gaming devs (of all genders) were being harassed more now than ever before. By just focusing on the gender issue, they are ignoring the larger issue that a segment of the gaming community takes its hobby a little too seriously by going apeshit when stuff happens that they don't like.