Is it safe here? or How I Caged My Very Own Nicolas

Master_Craig said:
I need to somehow stay on top of all this. So much stuff happens so quickly!

The talking points have evolved soo much now, that it isn't even about the initial hubbub any more. Now its become an issue of misogyny in gaming culture or something to that affect.

It's not even that any more. It's a bunch of people all yelling at the same time about a bunch of different things. It's my kids running up to me and they are both trying to tell on each other at the same time and each one is trying to yell over the other so they can tell how they were wronged first.

To be fair, there are legitimate concerns and complaints from the GG people and there are legitimate complaints about them too and even some really well written articles about larger issues surrounding it all, but to find those you have to sort through so much BS of people keeping score of every slight against their side, real or imagined or people trolling, or people wanting to jump in cause its popular, that after an hour of reading through the tag I'm like


But I'm mesmerized at the way these gaming sites created this monster and are now desperately trying to kill it so I continue to watch with morbid fascination.

I just got into a discussion with John Elper on twitter about the perspectives going on. It was interesting, civil, and what this whole thing needs to be. A sharing of ideas and a discussion of them with level heads.

The kind of stuff we don't see sadly anymore.
From what I understand, that guy is the current bf or close friend of the girl involved in the original controversy and he also has this pretty embarrassing video to his credit

So he's what you'd call "exceptionally biased" to put it modestly and his version of events are going to heavily skew towards one side.

I was able to find a couple of decent neutral articles about this whole mess. I'll try to dig them up later when I have more time.

Edit: Ok, here are a few that more or less don't have any overt bias to them
C_nate said:
So he's what you'd call "exceptionally biased" to put it modestly and his version of events are going to heavily skew towards one side.


Well I guess I'm also biased against the group that is sending death threats. *shrug*
mostly the GG side to random developers though. That's the problem.

By the way, line of the night from the techcrunch article

"However, when art is accused of perpetuating violence, sexism, or racism, it has strayed beyond artistic critique and into the realm of political argument. “Subjective analysisâ€
Well, to me the real problem is that harassment and threats against devs have been a thing long before GG, and long before twitter. My personal memory of them go all the way back to EverQuest like 14 years ago.

It's not something that just started with a hashtag and I think that the toxic element of the gaming community is far more damaging to that community than a few unethical games journalists.

And I don't even agree with trying to shut down and silence people cause they wrote something that pissed you off.

But I also don't agree with painting large, diverse groups of people with broad brushes to write them all off based on the actions of a few crazies. If you applied that to the real world, you'd have to get rid of every religious and political institution, along with the military and police for good measure.
C_nate said:
Well, to me the real problem is that harassment and threats against devs have been a thing long before GG, and long before twitter. My personal memory of them go all the way back to EverQuest like 14 years ago.

It's not something that just started with a hashtag and I think that the toxic element of the gaming community is far more damaging to that community than a few unethical games journalists.

And I don't even agree with trying to shut down and silence people cause they wrote something that pissed you off.

But I also don't agree with painting large, diverse groups of people with broad brushes to write them all off based on the actions of a few crazies. If you applied that to the real world, you'd have to get rid of every religious and political institution, along with the military and police for good measure.

My problem is it's on both sides, and every time I call people out on it I am the one painted as picking a side when my side is in the center.
People on the side of the far left crazies have been trying to get everyone on the side of the far right crazies fired. People on the side of the far right crazies have been sending death threats to the people on the side of the far left crazies.

I think that's really what this has become. The crazy people on the extremes battling it out. And they're all terrible.
Craig, if you were still confused by this whole mess, This latest article I read is probably the most comprehensive one that explains how this whole thing blew up and why it grew out of control ... onspiracy/

As for keeping up with things, I'll save you some trouble and sum up most of what goes on outside a few thoughtful articles like the one I linked:

"They said something mean!" *screencap*
"They said something meaner!" *screencap*
[Repeat for hundreds of tweets]

The most current flareup is about the polygon review of Bayonetta 2, and I think most of them are too dug in their positions to realize how that review actually shows how a big part of their movement is based on making a huge deal out of something minor.

Also, they are going off about that msnbc interviewed the latest woman to get death threats, complaining about bias because none of the supporters who got threats we asked to share their story.

I wish it would kinda go away already. Even though I understand where some of their frustration comes from, (kinda why I started getting involved in the community here to begin with) it really isn't doing anyone any favors and for all the noise it really hasn't accomplished much at all.
I think people waiting for some big name father figure to step in and sort this mess out. Who that will be at this point I dont know.. seemed like some traction when intel came in and said, 'sorry were pulling funding', but nothing since.. not going to happen either i assume. So just leave it all alone and let it simmer... stinky and fragmented, but everyone will know one which side of the fence their colleagues sat when GG comes up in the future.

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