Straight up talking to those dug in, like Kuchera, McIntosh and the like isn't going to change their minds. They've too much at stake to actually admit that there are legitimate concerns and that they were implicit in incredibly shoddy journalism at best, widespread collusion, fraud, and libel at worst.
The further they dig in and facilitate hatchet pieces like the MSNBC's piece that vilify 'gamers' as a whole, the more companies like Intel follow suit and pull ads. They're to the point where they cannot even tell half the story and have it make sense. With holiday season approaching and the controversy not dying down, advertisers are going to have to make some choices.
If you care, keep informed, write emails to advertisers. The more Kotaku, Polygon, Gamasutra and their ilk drive a wedge between themselves and gamers as a whole, the more advertisers will be willing to listen to your concerns.. Ad revenue and clicks are the only things that keep these glorified bloggers shoveling the shit, and it's what keeps them insulated from the consequences of their actions.
The further they dig in and facilitate hatchet pieces like the MSNBC's piece that vilify 'gamers' as a whole, the more companies like Intel follow suit and pull ads. They're to the point where they cannot even tell half the story and have it make sense. With holiday season approaching and the controversy not dying down, advertisers are going to have to make some choices.
If you care, keep informed, write emails to advertisers. The more Kotaku, Polygon, Gamasutra and their ilk drive a wedge between themselves and gamers as a whole, the more advertisers will be willing to listen to your concerns.. Ad revenue and clicks are the only things that keep these glorified bloggers shoveling the shit, and it's what keeps them insulated from the consequences of their actions.