I'm not voting for McCain because


  • My mom is hotter then Sarah Palin

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  • I saw an advanced screening of W

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  • Micheal Moore told me not to

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  • Obama is a secret Muslim

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  • I'm a white Christian Male living in Texas and my GR user is Stalfros

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joeblow said:
I'm not voting for McCain because he supported almost all the policies of Bush which have cost the taxpayers huge sums of money and lives in this farce of a war in Iraq, assaulted our Constitutional freedoms, drove the country into massive debt, shown us unheard of levels of corruption and secrecy, waged war on the environment, let corporations and fundie christian groups make policy, approved of torture, appointed incompetent people into important positions as political favors, spied on Americans, and overall been a bigger unapologetic disaster of a president then I could have possibly imagined.

I don't see McCain trying to make much of a break with these policies and he went and nominated a fundie airhead to be his next in line.

I used to have respect for McCain back when he called fundie evangelists "agents of intolerance", took hard stances against torture, refused to lower himself to smear tactic campaigning, etc. He sold his soul though and will pander to whoever and whatever and do just about anything these days.


if you do some research into obama though, he's no better.

joeblow said:
Having done tons of research I can say that Obama's policies are much different actually.

Much different, but just as bad. I think both canidates have nothing to offer but policies that will fail, much like the last. Until lobbying and special interest are taken out of the political equation, nothing will improve in this country for the average middle class citizen.

Considering one of Obama's former advisers on the economy was the CEO of one of those stupidly named mortgage companies, I don't put much faith into him. He lacks experience, and saying Joe Biden gives him much need experience is sort of a farce too; he's never done anything to stand out in congress.

McCain's experience is a farce as well though, it's all a farce.

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