I got laid off, let's get drunk.

Damn, I know like five people who have lost their jobs in the past couple weeks. What the hell.

I wish I could help you, but I haven't got anything going at the moment. I'm totally with you on the fake-drunk thing, though. I'm already falling over chairs.

You want out? Move to Toronto. ;)
I've been drunk 4 days out of the week ever since I've been unemployed.

Only reason it isn't 7 is because I am in college and have to be sober enough to actually learn something in class.

But thing is, I shouldn't be unemployed. I got quite a few job offers that pay $$$ just because I have a TS/SCI clearance and military experience. However, I don't want to do that shit and I just make everyone mad by not taking these jobs. I got enough money saved up to fund a space program for Uganda already. Seriously, they need it. Check out their "satellite" they plan to put into orbit by helium balloon. Yes that is a fucking fan. A fan for something that they want to go into space, where there is no atmosphere.

You can click the picture!
Jesus, we need a GR intervention. Not for the alcoholics and drug abusers, but for Icepick's scat fetish. The guy needs help
Strideout said:
I was an account executive in the customer service call center for a Detroit-based business

Account executive as in manage client relationships and bring in new clients to handle their portfolios or account executive as in fancy way of saying you worked at a call center and did cold call sales? Don't know many 21 year old stoners with no college who are doing the former.

Well, I guess you aren't doing it now either so...
Lethean said:
Strideout said:
I was an account executive in the customer service call center for a Detroit-based business

Account executive as in manage client relationships and bring in new clients to handle their portfolios or account executive as in fancy way of saying you worked at a call center and did cold call sales? Don't know many 21 year old stoners with no college who are doing the former.

Well, I guess you aren't doing it now either so...

I managed client relations and was the primary go-between between us and the outsourcer. And no, I'm not doing it anymore.

Don't you have a fucking Coldplay album you should be listening to, faggot?

EDIT: And, as stated prior, I started at the bottom of the chain, doing CUSTOMER SERVICE in a CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL CENTER. I worked my way up, just like most do (because its cheaper to hire an AE without a degree, and they can still learn hands on). And who in the fuck has ever referred to doing 'cold call sales' as being a fucking AE? I've never done cold calls, nor would I.

Colin, I'm not 14 anymore, how about you go ahead and stop acting like it yourself?
Strideout said:
I managed client relations and was the primary go-between between us and the outsourcer. And no, I'm not doing it anymore.

Don't you have a fucking Coldplay album you should be listening to, faggot?

EDIT: And, as stated prior, I started at the bottom of the chain, doing CUSTOMER SERVICE in a CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL CENTER. I worked my way up, just like most do (because its cheaper to hire an AE without a degree, and they can still learn hands on). And who in the fuck has ever referred to doing 'cold call sales' as being a fucking AE? I've never done cold calls, nor would I.

Colin, I'm not 14 anymore, how about you go ahead and stop acting like it yourself?

Sorry just when you spent the majority of your time here being a pathological liar it's kinda hard to believe what you say. And faggot? Drunk threads? Always talking about being stoned? And *I'm* the one who acts like a 14 year old? Alright...
Green_Lantern said:
Lethean said:
And *I'm* the one who acts like a 14 year old?

Well you do talk about MMA all the time...

Aside from the thread about sports I have no idea the last time I talked about it here. But yeah clearly its a 14 year old thing.
i agree about the word faggot. that really, really has to go. if anyone says it anymore they're automatically a write off for me.

and i also agree anyone that knew the old shane has to understand how some of us may have reservations about believing anything he says, ie. being addicted to heroin. lol.

but it's been a long time gotta give him the benefit of the doubt.
Hope you're polished up on that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Colin. Or Colon. Whatever you prefer. And I'll be petty and childish so long as you continue your display of petty, decade-old grudge holding. I'm still a fucking human who lost his job, whether you choose to believe that I sling burgers or actually do what I do in my line of work. Have some decency, man. Aren't you an admin now?

EDIT: How does a thread about corporate bullshit turn into a fucking daytime ABC drama-fest. Obviously it doesn't work, so someone close this or actually bring something to the table. Fuck, I wasn't fishing for pity or to be called a liar here, I merely wanted a 'hear-hear' from someone who knows what the fuck I'm talking about.
I don't have a grudge. I just make light of crappy situations. Some people deal with it better that way. Sucks you lost your job. And trust me people have said a lot worse things to other people here than I did to you a few posts up. Really though, sorry that happened to you. What were you getting paid? EI might get you by til you find a new job if you made enough. If it was like 12 an hour they will likely give you a fraction of that I'm afraid :(
Strideout said:
Hope you're polished up on that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Colin. Or Colon. Whatever you prefer. And I'll be petty and childish so long as you continue your display of petty, decade-old grudge holding. I'm still a fucking human who lost his job, whether you choose to believe that I sling burgers or actually do what I do in my line of work. Have some decency, man. Aren't you an admin now?

EDIT: How does a thread about corporate bullshit turn into a fucking daytime ABC drama-fest. Obviously it doesn't work, so someone close this or actually bring something to the table. Fuck, I wasn't fishing for pity or to be called a liar here, I merely wanted a 'hear-hear' from someone who knows what the fuck I'm talking about.

cheer up bud, i think you need a hug. and i've been told i give great hugs. just the right pressure, not too strong, not too light, and just the right amount of time. you won't regret it.
I just got transferred to salary pay from hourly, it wasn't a lot but it equates to about $14.30 an hour. I've already spoken with the unemployment office here in my town and filled out the paperwork but I hate the idea of sitting on my ass and getting a check (I'd have filed for Social Security Disability when I turned 18 if I wanted to do that). I'd like to move though, ideally. There's a pest control company I worked for in Tulsa, Oklahoma that would hire me back on for the summer, but I kind of don't like the idea of spraying chemicals in 110 degree weather for 4 months again, and I need something now. Blah.

Fuck employment, man. Lets just go back to the barter/trade system.

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