How did you hear about GR?

UrbanMasque said:
used to use it for cheats - back in the day.

Yep this was the same for me, a loooonnnngggg time ago. I'm not really sure what made me come to the forums, I was probably just browsing sometime after I was bored, and this was the only gaming site I came to consistently.
FrozenBacon said:
You know speaking of the mailbag, does GR still answer every single letter that is sent to them? I know back in the day they did, but this site is much bigger than it used to be.

HA The mailbag was F'n hilarious, they had some really good ones. My most favorite said something like, "Do you ever get the feeling of punching your girlfriend in the face when she's sleeping?" Funniest sht ever
I know what made me come here GGT seen a funny post by him and it made me decide to sighn up on the forums.
It was Christmas 98 and I got my N64.

I originally stumbled upon the site for cheats, the reviews were funny to me, and I enjoyed reading the forums and even made the occasional post here and there. I signed up and began using this account on a daily basis in mid 2001 Been here ever since. I've been more active during certain time periods than other time periods, and even went away for a little while here and there, but this place has become a part of my life.

9 years almost. Wow.
Myself, as a freshman in high school (im graduated now) this senior i knew had keyboarding class with me, and he used this site to download unreal and age of empire demos so we could lan battle. 4 years later, i decided to join up instead of just visiting the site infrequently to find out if games are worth buying.

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