Help me out (give tips about saving electric)

Sourdeez said:
You loose a lot of heat through your ears. Wear headphones while you play video games.
This is why during summer i always curse my closed-headphone predilection. Wear a pair of them with a beanie and thick socks while your 360/PS3 turns electricity into heat and you'll feel warm enough.

Works best for us. Not sure how your system does, but my desktop heats my room by about 5 degrees when i'm gaming for longer than 1/2hr. Although you have SLI 680s, right? I imagine all you need to do to warm up is like 10 minutes of something with PhysX.
Yeah any game the actually pushes both cards will cause the cards to run at about 65c. I have a fast ramping fan curve though. (Ill share with anyone if you pm me)

Yeah I curse my headphones in the summer to. I actually tend to try to sleep during the day in the hot months just so I can play games all night when its cooler. Plus I have to get away from glare and my reflection in the glossy screen. In the last place I lived I literally taped cardboard over every window in the room.

Ugh send us pictures of whatever you decide to do. Even if its just you freezing your ass off in a cardboard box. :lol:

Steal used fryer oil from your work and use it as fuel for candles? Although then your home would smell like your work and that would make home less enjoyable. ... ng-candle/
Well, I'll most likely just get a small space heater, because my apartment is really that small. It's not as bad as The Blues Brothers'. It's about five times bigger than that.
It's best to clean your shaver after every third, and preferably after every shave. On Braun, Panasonic or Remington foil shavers you can lift off the head frame, which holds the screen (foil), and gently brush out the whiskers from the under side with the cleaning brush the manufacturer’s supply. Do not touch the screen itself with the cleaning brush. It is very fragile.

After you clean your shaver, it is important to lubricate the metal surfaces of your screen and cutter. Spray a product such as Philip’s aerosol lubricant, part no. AL80C or Remington's "Shaver Saver" on the shaving screen while the saver is running. This immediately frees up any metal against metal binding. Use this lubricant sparingly. No need to wipe it off. Proceed with your shaving. You’ll notice a pick up in the sound level of your shaver’s motor which tells you that it is then operating at its maximum power level.

One good piece of advice is to shower before shaving, it helps to soften your beard. Softening your beard hairs doesn’t just apply if you shave with a manual razor and shaving cream, electric shaving can also be improved if the beard is softer. To do this wash the beard with warm water, soak it with a hot wash cloth, pat it dry thoroughly and dust with talcum powder.

If this is not possible, splash on an alcohol based pre-shave. This will remove skin oil and make the beard stand out from your face as much as possible. If alcohol is an irritant for you, a powder stick will give similar results. If using a pre-shave lotion, wash your hands before picking up the razor. Pre-shave lotion can loosen the glue that holds the decorative discs on the Philishaver's shaving head. Lotion on the hands can cause the razor housing to bubble over a period of time. After shaving apply lotion to the skin, this helps keep the skin moist.

Many men who have very sensitive skin report that it helps them to shave the most tender areas of their face (the neck area below the jawbone) first, and then move up to the tougher areas of their face in the areas between the ears, nose and mouth. Some shavers generate heat on their shaving surfaces and heat can cause irritation. So shave the tender areas of your face first while the shaver head is coolest.

Remember to keep your shaver clean and lubricated, replace the screen & cutter when necessary, use a light touch and stay with it.
Just to be sure I read the thread over...

For the record Ugh I just moved from a place with atrocious insulating... If you are serious about staying warm then you have to get old skool. Hang some heavy blankets up at the entrances to the rooms and cover the windows in plastic sheeting. Don't get that pussy shit they sell in neat little packages. Get yourself some heavy plastic sheeting and break out the staple gun... Leave your heater at one setting unless the place is unoccupied for longer than a day... grab your self an electric heater and eat lots of hot soup...

That said... why all the talk of razors?
I should've just sent you guys Fusions for Christmas, eh? Next year, next year.

I'll tell you how I got them. I volunteered at events for schools and stuffs a lot, back when I was a student. One event was a free concert for students, put on by the school's student association. I stayed until silly-o'clock in the night/morning, with mostly just executives locking up doors, getting rid of crap, finding their bags and heading home, when from down the hall comes, "Hey, anybody want this box of razors?" Initial reaction was What the hell? Box of razors? Secondary reaction was Oh god, I don't want to carry more things. Everyone else within earshot seemed to be thinking the same, so after hearing everyone else reject them, I said what the hell, razors are razors, and free is free. I didn't know what kind they were, and expected them to be cheap disposables, like that time in school when they gave out little samples of deodorant. ...Yeah. Brought them home, mom was surprised and promptly informed me that they were good quality. So that's nice.

The end. Advice is to volunteer at events to get swag, or something.

UghRochester, shave, save the hairs, use them to stuff pillows and line fabrics. Insulation.

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