Happy Madison

On a tangent about Grown Ups: the sequel is releasing the same time as Pacific Rim and so far is tracking to crush the big budget del Toro film. I hope it doesn't pan out like that. I know I'm going to see Pacific Rim tomorrow and will wait for Grown Ups 2 to show up on HBO.
Like if you fell into a puddle of mud you'd find that awful while I would point and laugh.


I like half of the Happy Madison movies. Admittedly he has produced some garbage. They are usually my guilty pleasure movies, but I wouldn't spend theater money on them. They're usually rental material. And his earlier movies were good and hold the test of time for me at least. There are one liners and moments from his movies that will always be enjoyable. Are they in depth satires and cerebral thrillers, hell no. So why don't we all just pull the two thumbs up out of our butts and realize what we had the sense to realize back in the 80s and 90s...movies are just stupid fun sometimes.

What's really interesting is the budget column on that list. Like, how are Adam Sandler comedies routinely breaking 70 million, 80 million dollars in production costs? That's obscene. For comparison, District 9 was made on about $30 million. Any Happy Madison movie looks like it could have been made on about three fiddy.

There was an excellent episode of Half in the Bag that everyone should watched where they reviewed Jack and Jill. I haven't seen the movie (nor do I want to) but they make a convincing case against the movie. For instance, they said there is only one joke in the entire movie (a joke being a setup followed by a punchline, designed to make the audience laugh), everything else is just stupid non-jokes. They had a really interesting segment on how dumb comedies can have their budgets balloon to such enormous amounts.

Yeah, I said it, all these movies are dumb. Plain old vanilla flavored, capital-D Dumb.
I posted the link to that half in the bag review in another thread somewhere, and I agree that it is amazing. It totally breaks down the scam Sandler is pulling on people.

The budget for his films are so high because he takes $20 mil off the top for himself, and maybe another $10-$20 mil to split between his regular cast of cronies that are in all his films. (gotta keep rob shnieder and david spade fed)

Then they kick each other in the dick a few times, fart, make some poo jokes and literally point and laugh at people who are different or disabled for good measure. Then they go cash their checks.

God Bless America.

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