Gears of War 2 vs Resistance 2

Which game will you buy around November?

  • Resistance 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gears of War 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • neither/don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
maca2kx said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
mooseodeath said:
Gears for no decent reason other than i hate the idea that the the resistence story pins europeans as defenseless and has americans bailling them out. way too many games leave the us as the ultimate in awesome military. while in reality they reverse trucks over their own men.

of course as an aussie the odds of an australian soldier making it into anything other than halo is slim to none.

so halo wins because aussies rule.

Well, the game is based outta World War 2, and we did save your asses in both world wars, so.

Modern times is a different story.

The war was hardly going to be lost before America decided to grace us with their presence.

Same old, same old. The Americans leave it to the last minute to do hardly anything and then take all the credit. :lol:
JCD said:
maca2kx said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
mooseodeath said:
Gears for no decent reason other than i hate the idea that the the resistence story pins europeans as defenseless and has americans bailling them out. way too many games leave the us as the ultimate in awesome military. while in reality they reverse trucks over their own men.

of course as an aussie the odds of an australian soldier making it into anything other than halo is slim to none.

so halo wins because aussies rule.

Well, the game is based outta World War 2, and we did save your asses in both world wars, so.

Modern times is a different story.

The war was hardly going to be lost before America decided to grace us with their presence.

Same old, same old. The Americans leave it to the last minute to do hardly anything and then take all the credit. :lol:

It's comments like that eyebrows that make me realize why so many foreigners hate America. I am American and proud of it but I hate it when other people from this country say cocky stuff, even though you comment wasn't really cocky. But on the subject I honestly kinda want Resistance to win the Gears vs Resistance battle in the market because even though I have a 360, not a PS3 and I want to see Gears 2 be the best, I want to see PS3 have their version of Halo (as in people buy the system just to play this game) besides MGS4.
Being Completely objective here im gonna have to side with america on this one simply because the war would have been a hell of alot closer had they not done anything. abd plus they DID bail the french in brittish in WWI, and please read a history book before you respond because if the states not helped end it sooner, the eastern front germans would have joined the western front germans and would have won.

any way
GRAW2 becuase theve had quite a bit more time to work on it. didnt we just have a resistance, it seems to me sony is rushing it a tad.
jc00l said:
GRAW2 becuase theve had quite a bit more time to work on it. didnt we just have a resistance, it seems to me sony is rushing it a tad.
First off, GRAW2 is Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, and has been released and sucked. Second, GoW and R:FoM were released in the same month. It's just that game companies like Epic and Insomniac are able to make quality games in a year or two, instead of three or four.
Longo_2_guns said:
jc00l said:
GRAW2 becuase theve had quite a bit more time to work on it. didnt we just have a resistance, it seems to me sony is rushing it a tad.
First off, GRAW2 is Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, and has been released and sucked. Second, GoW and R:FoM were released in the same month. It's just that game companies like Epic and Insomniac are able to make quality games in a year or two, instead of three or four.
Because Insomniac is a fun place to work.
maca2kx said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
mooseodeath said:
Gears for no decent reason other than i hate the idea that the the resistence story pins europeans as defenseless and has americans bailling them out. way too many games leave the us as the ultimate in awesome military. while in reality they reverse trucks over their own men.

of course as an aussie the odds of an australian soldier making it into anything other than halo is slim to none.

so halo wins because aussies rule.

Well, the game is based outta World War 2, and we did save your asses in both world wars, so.

Modern times is a different story.

The war was hardly going to be lost before America decided to grace us with their presence.


Wasn't only our presence that was felt, the UK would have crumbled without the supplies we had been sending over for most of both wars.

If the Japanese never attacked us in WW2, you'd be speaking Russian(not German, figure it out).

Then again, two different types of history books, US books make us out to be the big heroes while yours probably has Churchill as the savior of WW2 for not backing down. Although Operation Market Garden was a total screw up by Monty.

In my prejudiced view, if the operation had been properly backed from its inception, and given the aircraft, ground forces, and administrative resources necessary for the job, it would have succeeded in spite of my mistakes, or the adverse weather, or the presence of the 2nd SS Panzer Corps in the Arnhem area. I remain Market Garden's unrepentant advocate. Seemingly, every Allied victory is an American success, every Allied defeat a British failure.

The Dutch Prince: "My country can never again afford the luxury of another Montgomery success."

John Frost is the man though.
Well nobody here was actually involved in WWII so I don't understand trying to make a pissing match out of it.

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