Gaming Marathon

Well I managed to find a copy of the game this week. My first impressions are pretty positive, I can see it lasting a lot longer than 8 hours depending on how much we get up to. Due to some work issues we will actually be starting the marathon on Monday instead of Sunday. Still anticipating it to be very fun :D
It depends on how you want to go: I did EVERY side quest, including finding all the watchers and find all the elements.

Totally worth it.
madster111 said:
Amused during elevator scenes?

Change the camera angle so you're looking at one of the female characters behind.

BTW, you will not need red bull. Should take a maximum of 8 hours per playthrough, even with some side-quests.

No. 8 Hours if you've completed it 4 times already and know exactly what to do.

do you even try to make arguments anymore, or do you just spit out bullshit, disregard what you say, and contradict it just as easily in the next breath? At what fucking point did you think someone who's never played the game before would be able to do exactly what's needed for a speed run, and why that was omitted from your first post who knows, as it's kind of a key piece of info in this context
Updated my blog with a full entry. Feel free to check it out guys! Mods can lock this topic if they like?
Icepick said:
madster111 said:
Amused during elevator scenes?

Change the camera angle so you're looking at one of the female characters behind.

BTW, you will not need red bull. Should take a maximum of 8 hours per playthrough, even with some side-quests.

No. 8 Hours if you've completed it 4 times already and know exactly what to do.

do you even try to make arguments anymore, or do you just spit out bullshit, disregard what you say, and contradict it just as easily in the next breath? At what f****** point did you think someone who's never played the game before would be able to do exactly what's needed for a speed run, and why that was omitted from your first post who knows, as it's kind of a key piece of info in this context

Get some brains, Icepick. Longo was talking about side quests.

And to be honest, almost all of the side-quests in ME are shit.
Good read. I liked your bit of backstory and the details of how the Bioware games aided your friendships.

Body of blog could be a little more in-depth though. I'm sure you had some zany time staying awake that long, eh? Plus, what did you think of the game through your experience with it?
Fair point used I'll update it later this evening. I think I've finally got my thoughts sufficiently in order :)
Had a bloody crazy week, busy as hell, gonna check out the blog now, hopefully you guys enjoyed the game.

Extra Kudos for Madster, Longo and Icepick for turning a good topic (which have been on short supply lately) into a flame war... Way to go.
Tykk said:
Extra Kudos for Madster, Longo and Icepick for turning a good topic (which have been on short supply lately) into a flame war... Way to go.
This was a good topic?

It's about a couple of fucking guys who play a fucking video game.
It's irrelevant, anyway, considering there is a blog.
I'm going to agree with Madster. This was never a good thread. Mostly because Madster posted in it, but really that just turned a dumb thread into a bad thread.

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