Game You've Beaten The Most Times

There have been a few.............

1. Bionic Commando - SNES - I got so good at beating this game i could do it in about twenty minutes.

2. Crash Bandicoot - PS1 - This is by far the best game of the series.

3. Munchs Odyessy - Xbox - This game never gets old for me. I usually find something new every time i play it.

4. Starcraft - PC - This game is a classic and should be in anyones collection
the complete Legacy Of Kain Series, those are my favorite of all time...and also the entire Metal Gear Games, 1,2 for MSX (thank you Subsistence) and THE MGS with the PSP games also
I finished all the files in Super Mario 64, which makes it 4 times. But this was after I erased all data, and when I had only beaten it about 2 or 3 times. This makes it about 6 or 7 times.

Ocarina of Time is another. I've beaten the game only a few times, but when I was younger, I beat Ganondorf at least 30 times. I've done it in every way possible. I even did it with only the hookshot, and wearing the iron boots. Not such a daring feat now, but as a 12 year old, I felt like the coolest kid on the block.
The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time.i have beaten that game atleast 20 times,gotten every single item(which took me a lot longer than i expected)

Kingdom Hearts.beaten atleast 5 and beaten every hidden boss including sephiroth(yay) and gotten all the items
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis! Or maybe Sam and Max Hit the Road.... or maybe Full Throttle! Maybe Day of the Tentacle!
These were the only games I had at one point, and got them all together in a pack and I loved them so so so so much... Particuarly enjoyed in Indiana Jones that at one point you could just go ahead and choose which play style you wanted, so you essentially got to play quite a bit of the game three seperate ways and that was a huge thing for my young self...
Oh how I wish I still had those games, with sound intact even, because the last time I beat them all my computer couldn't play them with sound. :(
I won 14 straight stanley cups in NHL 2004 (none of that simulation bullshit). I've beaten GTA Vice City 5 times and I'm sure the Crash Bandicoots and Spyros are up there.
Yokiro said:
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis!

I LOVE that game. And i've beaten it so many times on each path. It never gets old either. Probably the best adventure game i've ever played.
TheNesMan said:
Crash Bandicoots and Spyros are up there.

Same here but I go more for the Spyros for the 3d freedom....Castlevania 1, 4, Symphony Of the Night, and Shadow of the Colossus...I just love that game and many more but cant remember them all
thetank said:
I beat Pacman. I beat Pacman. You only have to do that s*** once.


I've beaten Metal Gear Solid 2 about 12 times... Chrono Trigger about four times, Chrono Cross about four more, Diddy Kong Racing a billion times.
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Neverwinter Nights
Knights of the Old Republic
Jedi Academy

Beaten those all at least a dozen times.
Diablo and Diablo II and D2: LOD more times than i want to know. After that Ninja Gaiden- Xbox at about 3 times
Skies of Arcadia for the Dreamcast- twice or three times, I dont remember.
Yeah only that many, I generall play once then just random skirmish/ random mission on whatever game.

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