FORCE AWAKENS movie club (unmarked spoilers)


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Only visit the topic once you've seen the movie! Spoiler-filled discussions will be loud and proud.

Gonna see the movie in 8 hours or so!
Holy crap, Longo. I LOVE Backstroke of the West. Fantastic find!

I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens last night, and I thought it was bloody incredible. It was an amazing film, my favourite film of 2015 (followed by Mad Max: Fury Road). Since this thread contains spoilers, so will my post!

As a Star Wars fanatic (cough, fan) this post will be long. Buckle up.


My theories of the film were completely incorrect, which doesn't surprise me at all actually. Marvel/Disney did a good job throwing people like me off. In the most recent Star Wars comics by Marvel, which bridges the gaps of the original trilogy, it's revealed that Han Solo had a dark skinned wife. Many, myself included, speculated that Finn (the stormtrooper played by John Boyega) was Han Solo's son. This made people think "So is Finn a Jedi?" since he was in possession of Anakin/Luke's old blue bladed lightsaber, but that leads us to another question... Han isn't Force sensitive, and his apparent former wife doesn't seem to be?

But when it was revealed that one of the film's main villains, the Dark sider Kylo Ren, was Han and Leia's son Ben? Holy. Shit. The audience in the theater actually gasped at this. I didn't see that coming at all.

One thing that I was right on, was that they were trying to throw us off on Rey's true identity, her potential so to speak. In the trailers and in promotional material, while Rey is heavily featured, it's Finn with the lightsaber, it's Finn who reluctantly faces off against Kylo... but in reality, it's actually Rey who is Force sensitive, and evidently she is extremely powerful in the Force. She also has crazy visions when she sees Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber for the first time. Could this mean that Rey is actually Rey Skywalker?

I loved it that Luke was barely featured in the film and was only shown at the very end, for not even two minutes. That was perfection.

I couldn't believe what happened to Han... I can't believe that he was killed. To be honest, I felt they were setting something up, when Han gave Chewbacca the detonator for the explosives. Then when Han confronted Kylo (Ben) on that really narrow bridge with no rails, and a massive hole beneath them? "I've got a bad feeling about this." My partner cried, my friends cried, I nearly did too. I knew someone in this film was going to die... at first I thought it was going to be Leia (way before the film came out), then during the film I thought it was going to be Chewbacca.

It's interesting that this new trilogy will most likely end up in Rey and Kylo battling each other, in a Light versus Dark fashion. Who knows? The reason I suggest this is because in the expanded universe, Han and Leia have three children, one of which (Jacen Solo) falls to the Dark side and becomes a Sith Lord. Han/Leia's daughter, Jaina Solo, ends up having to fight him and ends up killing him. I think the writers of the new films have taken elements from the expanded universe, e.g. the grand children of Darth Vader end up fighting... that is, if my theory is correct about Rey (her being Luke's daughter).

Anyway. I'm going way off. I loved the film. I loved most of the writing, the acting, the special effects, the music and the pacing. It was amazing. There are a few small gripes...

-Captain Phasma was over hyped. She was described to be a complete bad arse. Indeed, she is ruthless on camera but she doesn't get much screen time and she seriously didn't do much.

-The First Order confuses me. I understand it's a remnant of the Empire, but why is there a "resistance" when there is a New Republic? Why didn't the New Republic stop the First Order earlier on? It's amazing how the First Order has grown so much over thirty years, to the point where they have a planet sized Death Star.

-Han Solo died. Okay, this isn't a bad thing (well it is) but in my opinion, it was excellent story telling, and no doubt Harrison Ford himself would have absolutely loved this.

Long story short, this is the best Star Wars film I've ever seen and my favourite film of 2015. 4.5 out of 5.
I didn't dislike it really, i was just expecting a lot better. You guys need to remember just how much bloody money was spent on it - there's an ad for it right now on googles goddamn frontpage, this movie has cost more than several countries GDP at this point and we got a movie that, with any other name than 'star wars', could've been done on a <$50mil budget.
I don't like the actors at all (too fresh), and the characters themselves just seem off to me. Am i really the only one that's getting an overpowered vibe from rey?

As for the story, well there's a good reason everyone likes it:

I actually agree with that image you posted, madster... but in saying that, I still really enjoyed it - I know you liked it too man, so don't worry, I'm not disregarding that and I know you're not hating on the film.

When you think about it, the stories of The Force Awakens and A New Hope are remarkably similar, but I guess it's a formula that works, especially since A New Hope was made nearly forty years ago... holy shit, forty years.

If I didn't read that image you posted, I wouldn't have even thought about the similarities between A New Hope and The Force Awakens. Maybe in that case, I'm an ignorant dumb arse but yeah, wouldn't have thought about the links.

The only thing that I can say that's wrong about that picture, is that it was not officially revealed that Rey and Kylo (Ben) are cousins. Although it is strongly implied, so that's probably what the author meant? At the very least, I don't remember such a reveal? Correct me if I'm wrong because I seriously don't remember.

I think the budget is justified. There was a lot of awesome set design, props, costumes and some nice CGI. On top of that, the marketing for this film has been absolutely huge, and having big hitters like Harrison Ford reprising Han Solo wouldn't have been a cheap feat. Then again... I know next to nothing about how budgets of big films work. Gimme a small, $5-30k project and I'll understand the cost breakdown. $200 million? Way over my head.

I actually liked how they used new, fresh actors for Rey and Finn. You're right, I think Rey is over powered, but I actually like that. I understand why people may not like it, fair enough. I also liked most of the writing, it seemed a bit more... realistic, than the previous films. The humour was a bit smarter too.

Like I said in a post above, my biggest gripe was the under usage of Captain Phasma, the stormtrooper leader in the platinum armor. There was a lot of marketing for her and to begin with, she's portrayed as a ruthless bad arse. We don't see her fight or do anything. Maybe next time?

It's a shame Boba Fett wasn't in this film, but maybe if he was there, it woulda been too much? Hopefully he's in the next one. I really don't want Boba Fett to actually be dead. The galaxy's most feared bounty hunter, "killed" by a blind man with a stick? No way.
MrHimashi said:
It just leaves you wanting so much more.

Pretty much this.

Damn. That was one awesome movie. They could have trimmed a bit off the end when Rey was walking up the stairs - We knew where she was going, no need to drag it out! I hope we see some emotional aftermath of Han's death in the sequel and it would be even more awesome if Hamill lost more weight so he could be a total badass Jedi in the sequel. Why else would they have him lose 60lbs if not as a starting point for the sequel if he's only in TFA for seconds?

The one thing I'd likely change would be Kylo Ren taking his helmet off when he did. I feel as though he should have left it on when Rey was prisoner and only taken it off when Han asked him to. It did lower the badass villian rating a little bit for me.
I can't tell if this was a really bad movie that I liked or a really good movie that I didn't like. I'm leaning more towards the former, and here's why.

First of all, the one thing I hate in movies is a non-ending, which this movie was the worst example of since Desolation of Smaug. That ending sucked.

Now I would've been fine with the ending if they just could not have fit it in to the movie because too much else happened. But the problem is... nothing else happened.

So let's break this movie down. The plot is the original Star Wars. Fine. The problem is there are three forces at war in this plot: the new characters, the old characters, and "Remember Star Wars?"

This movie should have focused entirely on the new characters. Developed them naturally, and then thrown them into a bigger world that they must fight to save with character development and closure.

The problem is, it didn't. It didn't even have any of this. Instead, we're introduced to three new characters, Finn, Rey, and Po, and out of them the only one with character development is Finn, and even then it's brief and done with by the half-way mark.
Rey starts the movie as a tough survival girl and ends the movie as a tough survival girl with Jedi powers. She's inexplicably good at everything ever from the beginning, and is also the best force user ever despite no training or knowledge that she is. We see her toy with it once, but then it's time to go back to watching the old people.She has no real personality, other than "I'm a survivor who is good at stuff."
Po starts the movie as cool guy who is a good pilot, we see him thirty minutes later being a cool pilot guy, and he ends by being a cool pilot guy. He does a thing and saves the day, yay.
Finn, we see a guy who starts with doubts, and then is made a fish out of water. We see him struggle with wanting to persevere, before doing good at the end because he likes Rey. But then the movie is only half-way done and he's just kind of there at the end.

The problem is, because they spend the whole movie with Han Solo, they're completely 100% overshadowed in every regard. What they should have done is killed Han Solo a full hour earlier, leaving our heroes having to finish the mission without the wiser, talented mentor. But instead he dies and they get in a fight the end.

I could probably write a dissertation on the problems with this movie (I have a LOT more, but I am too busy to write them all now), but it's by no means bad. I just know that in a few years time, when the shock of NEW STAR WARS wears off, it's going to be viewed as a misstep. Kind of like Into Darkness was for Star Trek.

In terms of ranking, it doesn't reach the level of the original trilogy, but it's miles better than any of the prequels.

I give it a solid B+. Good effort, not quite there.
This smacked of Jurassic World. I really enjoyed the movie despite having seen it already.

Several notes:

JJ has in general changed the force. It is a much more visceral thing. The idea that the Skywalkers have always been strong in it makes the characters make a little sense and the idea that they're just lashing out full strength.

The film looked less polished than the Prequels. Which I liked. Magic Space Past looked shitty and gritty. There were a lot of practical looking aliens and droids too. Also the normal pristine look that JJ chases wasn't there. The shots were dusty and felt more like the originals in photography tone.

I missed my farmboy main character. Both trilogies had a young squire/farmboy that takes up the knight's place when he dies. It annoyed me that everyone was so capable.

I called it. Last week i predicted Han dying at a board game night. The Teacher who shows the you gin the Galaxy does in each first act of both trilogies (Jin, Kenobi). Plus Ford was enjoying this press tour way too much, something he has never been known for.

I loved the interactions between people though and this is where I felt the movie succeeded. Chewie picking up Han's coat repeatedly.

Han's awnry enjoyment of fresh faced adventurers.

Finn's anxious banger in tight spots with whoever will listen.

Kylo's power struggle with Hocks.

I thought it was interesting that they didn't flesh out Phasma, that they mentioned clone troopers (they're still around...who's the donor), that Snokes wasn't a giant.

I really liked the Mace Trooper.

The bullet catch.

And the fact that the one thing Leia's Force powers can do is Mrs Weasley's clock.

Kylo Snape will be cool as they continue to develop him. His fighting style is pretty badass.

Excited to take the boys next week.
I thought the movie was fantastic. It had everything you could ask for in a Star War's entry, and on top of that, it ate I, II, III's breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Predictable at parts, certainly. But I'm not into Star Wars for the giant plot twists, and as was the case with the past, most of the unknown is hinted at strongly. I wasn't surprised to see Han go, most good heroes who have fallen spawn suffer that fate. And how about that Wookie rage that ensued?

I disagree with you, Longo, as far as the ending. This is intended to be a trilogy of work, but the ending does suffice for a single entry. In Desolation of Smaug, they ended on a critical juncture that requires you to see the next part to have any sort of ending. The correct ending for Desolation is about 30 minutes into Five Armies. At least with TFA, we know that we'll be picking up either on Rey being trained, or the flashback to Skywalker departing. It leaves them free to set the action for the movie via the First Order's next move.

Little off topic, but relevant, and highly pleasing for my family: My youngest nephew is 8, hadn't seen any Star Wars movies. We showed him two on Friday so he'd have a little knowledge of the story when we saw this; well, it landed with him. He watched all 6 episodes within 24 hours and was glued to his seat in the theater. A new fan is born.
Did anyone see it in Imax 3d? I normally hate going to the movie theater because I have to pee a lot. :lol:

Now that I have read your spoilers I feel like I would enjoy the movie more. All the "hush hush but oh my god it is amazing" would have sent me in with much higher expectations.
I like the black guy and was surprised to see an Asian (I mean, aliens aside, have you seen any Asians in the other six movies?)...

Let's see... what haven't been said...I did enjoyed the lightsaber combat, the sound effects made it sound like they're bashing each other with the lightsabers. In the prequels, lightsaber combat are more showy than anything, in TFA, it's more efficient with stabs and such.

I'm with Craig on this one, I don't quite get why there's "the resistance" fighting the "first order" while the main body of government is "the republic". Are they're fighting on what territory that's left of the Empire or what?

For what it is I did liked TFA more than the prequels. We'll see if I still like it once the "newness" had worn off.
cyberjim2000 said:
I'm with Craig on this one, I don't quite get why there's "the resistance" fighting the "first order" while the main body of government is "the republic". Are they're fighting on what territory that's left of the Empire or what?

The Republic is crippled by what always cripples it, inaction among the Senators. As such, a resistance pops up to handle what the government won't. I believe it might have even mentioned it during the intro text.
Before reading everyone's post, which some will likely say the same thing, the story plot reminded me a lot of A New Hope. I personally enjoyed Rey being the the person with force abilities. I thought it could be Finn in the trailers. Seeing her use the force to get the lightsaber was awesome as well as the first time she did the mind trick. That put a smile on my face. I kinda expected her to be the jedi due to her clothing, but when seeing the trailer, had doubts. As a person who didn't read the books (c'mon, I enjoyed the films) I feel she's related to Han Solo and Leia. I could be wrong and it could be Luke's daughter. Hell, maybe Obi Wan had a granddaughter and never told anyone about his love life. I don't f*cking know

What I kinda disappointed in was the death of Han Solo. I saw it coming faster than any senses. I did enjoy Leia sensing Han has died.

Also, of all the lightsabers. This lightsaber was found and not the green colored lightsaber. When I saw Finn holding this lightsaber in the trailer, I thought it was this one, but wasn't sure.

Also, can't wait for subtitles. Hard to hear the film with f*ckers in the movie theater. Is it Supreme leader Snoak? Snoke?
StickyGreenGamer said:
cyberjim2000 said:
I'm with Craig on this one, I don't quite get why there's "the resistance" fighting the "first order" while the main body of government is "the republic". Are they're fighting on what territory that's left of the Empire or what?

The Republic is crippled by what always cripples it, inaction among the Senators. As such, a resistance pops up to handle what the government won't. I believe it might have even mentioned it during the intro text.

Ooooh! Well that would've made sense. See, We were still looking for seats while the intro text was rolling so we missed a part of it. Something about Luke gone missing and all that jam.
Everyone was like "Why isn't Luke on the poster? Is he evil" as it turns out, he's only shows up once during the movie and doesn't say sh*t lol
UghRochester said:
Everyone was like "Why isn't Luke on the poster? Is he evil" as it turns out, he's only shows up once during the movie and doesn't say sh*t lol

My mom initially thought Kylo Ren was Luke. As far as the lightsaber, I noticed the bit about it being the blue one a bit odd. Not in the sense that Luke wouldn't have attempted to recover it, being his father's, but that Bespin is a gas giant planet. From descriptions, there is a solid surface, but it's not able to be reached by humans. So maybe he just went to where he fell from Cloud City and had a droid descend and recover it.

Or you know, he just force pulled it out of the gas.

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