Final Fantasy XV [OT]

I think it looks promising in terms of story telling. It may be going back to the classic crystal plot, which is do love!

The battle system looks like a mix between 12 and 13. Doesn't look like you control your allies at all, so they may be on gambits or similar (I fucking hope not)! Then it looks like the standard "attack", "magic" then maybe that "warp" move you've seen Noctis do? When the chosen loop finishes you choose another. And I wonder if there will be different "formations" to choose from!... Dunno! But it does look fun!

I will absolutely love a turn-based FF. Just to bring the nostalgia back! But nowadays kids want to use their brains less and less ;)
I have kinda of mixed feelings about the more modern looking setting. And as one of the few people who liked the combat system in 13 & 13-2, I don't mind them moving away from turn based and trying different things. Helps keep the series fresh. I just hope they do better with the story, which was a train wreck in the last 2 games.

All in all, I'll say I'm cautiously optimistic for the game.
I think SquareEnix actually watched Road Trip and said how do we turn this...


Into a JRPG... The answer is that trailer.
I like the look of Final Fantasy XV, the road trip thing is different and kinda cool. It is disappointing that all the party members are in the car though (including the car itself apparently). I understand there's been a bit of criticism as there's no female party members at all.

The battle system looks okay. It reminds me of a more... "realistic" Kingdom Hearts, I suppose. I like the idea of real time combat. Turn based battles was cool, but I'm a bit brainless and thus prefer real time, especially considering XIII's combat system was terrible.

I'm just hoping the story is good. Final Fantasy has a tendency to make really unnecessarily complicated storylines that are just badly told. Well, they never used to, but it's become a habit as of late.
The battle system reminds me of Kingdom Hearts which is one of my favorite games. I will probably buy a ps4 if this game and KH3 don't release on pc. I wonder if they will do a bundle.
WickedLiquid said:
I think SquareEnix actually watched Road Trip and said how do we turn this...


Into a JRPG... The answer is that trailer.

Hahaha, if there is a point in the game where the party just rocks out to Twisted Sister, I'm buying the special edition!

I also hope the main protagonist isn't another wimp. It's pretty sad how Lightning had more balls than Vaan and Tidus combined.
I just want to like these characters - If I can like them I can play this game full through. My secret hope is also to find out that I can play the game in Japanese audio w/ English subtitles..

Everything else will fall into place.

Master_Craig said:
It is disappointing that all the party members are in the car though (including the car itself apparently). I understand there's been a bit of criticism as there's no female party members at all.

I only see 4 in the car, but was under the impression that there was 5 total based on some of the art I saw. Also, maybe they'll have some temporary hitchhikers as party members to diversify the group, because right now they admittedly look like a pop boy band out of Korea
4 in the car plus the car itself is five. It makes me think the car is a transformer or something, lol.

It is odd though not having any female characters, a Final Fantasy party is usually very diverse. But at least there won't be an annoying female character who is supposed to be the "cute" one. That's what was great about ff12, Penelo was toned waaay done unlike Rikku and.. Bleh... Vanille. The other games weren't voice acted so I can't comment.
That blonde girl looks fairly normal in the trailer. Plus, it sounds like there might be a bit of a love story in this FF (assuming Noctis is aiming to find this blonde chick), which is what FF has been missing recently! Snow and Serah were lovers sure, but they were already together! I want a "will they, wont they?" sort of love story! I'm a sucker for those...

...I'm just gonna go water the flowers and vacuum the carpet guys, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.
Haha MattAY!


Final Fantasy has been missing a lot lately, so let's just hope Final Fantasy XV is a great game that recovers a lot of what FF has been missing.

In my opinion this, and I guess Kingdom Hearts III (God forbid when ever that comes out) is Square Enix's last chance. If they fail XV, I've got a feeling they're gonna be screwed.

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