FC Twin, Retro Duo, Etc


I still have a functioning SNES and functioning front loaded NES. Because my pin connectors are old (I've had the NES for 20+ years and the SNES for around 18, I've been having a harder and harder time getting carts to work.

I have even bought some SNES games online that won't load past the start screen (not sure if this is a cart defect or a console defect as it only affects some carts).

I was wondering if anyone had experience with any of the SNES/NES consoles or even the SNES/NES/GENESIS consoles. I don't have Genesis games, and don't really want to screw Sega by buying a console that plays them since I never supported Sega by buying one to begin with.

I've read very mixed things about some of these consoles i.e. the ones listed in the topic line. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.
Thanks Dan.

I read through a couple of "famiclone" website threads after I posted here. Apparently the RetroDuo is pretty damn decent, but you need to do a little solder work to make NES audio sound more true to life. I'm still going to wait and see if anyone else has opinions.

I'm checking out the Hyperkin stuff now. I really wish there was something that would accept my joysticks/powerglove/lightgun/power pad or even let me convert since most of these only accept SNES plugins. I guess I'll add that as a request if anyone else is more versed in this than I.
I have a cherry original NES, but I would possibly consider getting a RetroDuo to play SNES on. Most used original SNES consoles are horribly yellowed. I don't think I would be able to be as lucky finding one as I was with the NES.
My friend just uses rubbing alcohol and Qtips to clean the connection points. But that's him...I have no experience with this stuff.
Thanks for the replies, guys.

This isn't my first rodeo, I keep a small thing of isopropyl on the same bookcase I keep my (S)NES games. My NES somehow didn't get sun damage quite like the SNES did, maybe it was just better quality plastic or something.

I've been busy since I posted originally, so I haven't had time to do more research, but I'm less concerned about ponying up for official Nintendo consoles (because mine...function) than I am with finding the best dual console option, thus clearing desk space, and having fresh pins that are hopefully a little more forgiving of these aging carts.

Anything else?
Yeah, I've never seen a NES yellow anything like the SNES does. Maybe not "better" quality of plastic, but certainly a different polymer.

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