favorite Boss Battle

Sven, let me tell you, those aren't hard compared to the Dark Aeons and Penance. :D

I've now managed to fight the bad bosses of FF XII... That is, I did Hell Wyrm with a lot of patience, and then I took on that last Hunt. You know, the badder version of said Hell Wyrm.

I gave up on it after about an hour. Not because I kept failing, mind you, just that it took so incredibly fricking long to whittle down its HP. Party level of 92, and having both Zodiac Spear and Tournesol, I had only taken away four or five of its fifty HP meters at this point. That's completely ridicolous.

I mean, with a damage limit per hit of 9999 (which also gets cut down as the boss goes into Critical mode), you don't need more than, say, 2-3 million HP to test your skills against a sidequest boss in this kind of battle format. Say 5 million at the outside. That's already more than enough to truly find out whether you're capable of surviving against said monster, especially since it's not that hard to ensure you'll keep everyone's MP in the green without having to spend any Ethers. I mean, if you're just barely hanging by, then anything substantially more is definitely going to take -very- long, and if you're powered up nicely and keeping on top of it, then it'll just become boring very quickly.

An hour if you're just hanging by is, I believe the most you should have to spend on any Ultimate sidequest boss. And then maybe between 30-45 minutes if you're on top of it. Maybe shorter.

And I'm not going to bother with that Omega Mark XII. Well, maybe see if I can survive for a certain amount of time, then assume I'll be able to finish him from there.

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