Fav BBs (boss battles)?

MattAY said:
Also, Psycho Mantis, whilst I'm at it. I feel the sign of a good boss battle is the length. If it's freakin' long I love it! I purposefully dont use the second controller for this boss.

I'm so bummed that MGS 1 isn't on the HD collection.

Resident Evil 2 Sewer Crocodile


Contra 3: Alien Wars final boss


God of War 3: Poseidon


Final Fantasy 7: Jenova∙SYNTHESIS
I started the game on hard mode and thought, 'this will be impossible.' Made it to the end but I gave up on Zeus.
Oh, God of War...how you torment and mock me so. The one and only God of War game I played was the first one, and I sucked so bad that I think I got a compensation trophy or something on the first boss. "Getting My Ass Kicked" I think the it was called. Bah. :roll:
My favs might be the final fight with Ganon in Wind Waker and the final fight in portal 2.

The way wind waker ended with you planting your sword in his head was just so epic. I'll remember that boss fight for a long time.

Portal 2 boss fight wasn't hard or anything it was just really really epic.

Also fighting Nemesis is way up there in the list probably

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