

Never played it back in the day so I decided to give it ago. I've just finished up with junk town even though its dated its still a pretty fun game. Some of the hardcore fans protesting Bethesda making Fallout 3 are a bit scary though :shock: They definitely take the franchise to heart.
Fallout was the first true RPG that I played.
And I still play it from time to time.
Fallout 2 being my favourite.
I bought all the games in a box, Fallout, 2 and Tactics.

I loved in the sequal that you just could go all mad unarmed, and punch people's head off. Litteraly.
Well they made a decent game out of Oblivion.
I just hope it is atleast as huge af Oblivion and the old games.
The thing I loved about Fallout was the openess, and the ability to actually do what ever you wanted. (Though there was consequences)

There is this part where some children throw some rocks at you.
I went over and killed them all, that made all the villagers go mad.

So I am confident that Bethesda can make a good game out of the Fallout franchise :)

I just hope they don't rush it out, I can wait for it :)
The best part of Fallout 2 was all the lude material in an awsome rpg. I hope that they don't ruin the series by bringing it to console/super media scrutiny. I can't imagine the Postal series coming to console without being ruined and made to be more socially acceptable.
I think it would be something in the vicinity of Oblivion :) Just set in a post apocalyptic scenario.
I can't see any problems if it comes to the console.
As far as I am aware, it's 1st/3rd person?
I don't know what to expect from Fallout 3. I enjoy Bethesda's work but, to me, Oblivion felt like a castrated version of Morrowind. They sorta took out the grit and replaced it with an air of constant happiness. Even when 3 Oblivion gates are outside Chorral, the people still have time to talk about how much what's-her-name loves her dogs. It was the grit and grime that sucked me into the Morrowind. It was the plagues, the cult activity, the daedric lore, and the opressive air that hooked me to The Elder Scrolls and I felt a bit cheated by Oblivion. If Bethesda makes Fallout like Oblivion i.e. happy, the entire series would be kicked in the groin. However, Bethesda seems to recognize this and has been treating the game with great care. I look forward to the title regardless of the outcome. I'm just happy to be playing a game that does not have leveled difficulty. (You hear that Bethesda? Leveled difficulty SUCKS! Do NOT make TES:5 leveled!) Anyway, I can't wait until Fall for this game. I have even been hearing rumors of an early release. If these rumors are true, we may only have to wait a few weeks.
No offense Abracadaver, but i don't like Fallout. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system was cool, as well as the setting. Sadly that's the only good thing (in my view) in Fallout. Can't control party members, weak combat, inventory managment is too simple, etc.
Yeah I can see how people are paranoid about Bethseda, Oblivion was great but not as strong as the previous titles in the series, I think they they decided to do a bit of experimentation with their game layout (just my own thoughts not fact) and overall didn't work for the better.

From what I read it seems like they are taking precautions to make this game a Fallout game and not an oblivion ripoff in a different setting. Theres definite some cool sounding features especially the way they are doing character creation and the 1st person view really does bring you more into the world then the old top down isometric style.

I can see your complaints about the inventory but I don't see whats wrong with the combat or the party members. From what I interpreted the game wants you to feel as if the Vault Dweller is you, there should be minimal control with party members due to their own individual selves ( I hope they keep it this way for Fallout 3) Only thing they might wanna do in this department is improve the AI of the members themselves :) even though for the most part dog meat kicks ass.

Ah well for a dated game its still pretty damn fun.
I wish I could play the old ones, but I wasnt a PC gamer as a child, hell I didnt have a computer till 1998. So if anyone knows were to find these, please tell me.
Fallout 3 will not be Fallout to begin with.
If you have been reading a bit about the stuff that'll be in the game and the stuff that will NOT be, you can tell that it'll be OBLIVION WITH GUNS. 3 lines dialogues - seriously pathetic. A world that is not believable: people speaking like they were in... I don't know, a children's TV show;
It'll be a dumbed down action game, no drug selling, no wife pimping, no slavery, just kind of like a BIG mod for Oblivion - with flaming swords, yeah that's right.
We'll get lots of AWESOME!!!11 stuff in Fallout 3:

Flaming swords (you take the gas tank from a bike or something like that and use the fuel to ignite a SWORD)

Brotherhood of Steel are now guards; STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM, plus they now have a cool radio station from which they send news into the radios of the wasteland dwellers (?????)

Fatman: bazooka that fires nuclear bombs. Enough said. Now with extra bloom for the explosion effect.


Mutantorcs with silver warhammers and shields. Watchout: the bloom from the warhammer could permanently blind you.

Collectibles: that's right, VaultBoy bobbleheads scattered around the wasteland just waiting to be found! Super Duper bonus if you get all 10000.

3 line dialogues.


Shurikens, possible inclusion of Katanas.

Speech skill. Seriously, what for?

Did I mention the game has BLOOM? Even the forehead of your Dad blinds you as you speak with him.

Level scaling. Who was the genius who came up with this mind blowing idea?

Same engine as Oblivion. This means the models, movements and physics will look pretty much the same.

I can't wait to see the retarded AI fuck up the game when the Brotherhood guards get bazookas and area damage weapons. Remember how characters went berzerk in Oblivion? Now imagine that with miniguns.

Couple of things more I can't recall now.
Hold it, mate... Charisma skill = Speech skill! And I've always pictured bloom lighting in a next-gen Fallout... Call me crazy, but it's fitting with the distorted environment.

Try not to be so pessimistic. Let us think of it being akin to... BioShock.
BioShock is an action game - ACTION

Fallout and Fallout 2 were RPGs, not shiny FPSs

Its not like I dislike action games, its just that Fallout was not like that.
If Bethesda wanted to make a mediocre action game in a post apocalytptic setting, they had no need to buy the Fallout franchise. They could've made... I don't know... WasteWorld, or something like that.
On the other hand, they probably want to give the impression of being hardcore game developers, who revived THE EPIC SERIES OF FALLOUT GAMES!!!!!!1111TWO.
sparky87 said:
I wish I could play the old ones, but I wasnt a PC gamer as a child, hell I didnt have a computer till 1998. So if anyone knows were to find these, please tell me.

Thats funny... the first Fallout was released in late 1997 so you probably could have played it if you knew about it.

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