E3 08'

King_Arthur said:
Longo_2_guns said:
King_Arthur said:
Only time can tell, funny how everybody that hates xbox first reaction was...

Well, seeing as how that's been the reaction towards Sony for the past two or three years I think that it would be kind of a double standard to complain about fanboys now.

And I think that Sony will be unveiling their new add on that will give you a blowjob. I mean the PS3 can already turn people to gold and deflect bullets, so its all they could do to delay everyone while they make some more games.

what lol :? :shock: :oops:

When it can cook and clean, i'll buy it.
It may not be able to clean (yet), but it can cook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SURRbCpYsbc.
So get me a knife and fork so I can eat my previous post... MS didn't pull some fantastic announcement out of their ass, they pulled out a kinda dissappointing new dashboard with a Mii feature instead... I don't wanna change my dashboard I like it the way it is
I like how everyone is bashing Microsoft because they "are going to start having avatards." Does anyone remember playing DOA online, where you were an avatar running around buying crap and waiting to get into a fight? Well instead of one game, it will now be all of them, big deal. This doesn't change anything.
Grey said:
I can cook toast on top of my 360 if that counts.

I've scrambled an egg or two. Wanna come over with that toast, I have orange juice freshly squeezed from my 360's harddrive.

Can your PS3 squeeze anything ? Ehh Ehh ?!?
So the correct answer is that your PS3 sucks at making food then? Just as I thought! The only good console/kitchen appliance worth having is the 360! I'll bring my 360 over to your house KA and we can have a good ol' fashioned BBQ on mne while you cook some eggs and Grey makes some toast!

edit: Now whose 360 can make some beer? We need one that can do that and then it will be a real BBQ
^ But did your 360 live? I know the original Xbox was immortal.. someone's roommate shot his right in the middle and it continued to work fine, if not better (it was in an issue of OXM about four years ago)
Keyword "tried". My 360 deserved it though. He kept trying to have sex with my GameCube, and my PS1 didn't like that because she was his fiance at the time, and since the family is so tight, my PS3 was really angry. So he acted rashly as usual and pulled a gun on my 360. I don't think he wanted to harm him, he just wanted to scare him. Since then the two have gotten along pretty nicely.
Longo_2_guns said:
Keyword "tried". My 360 deserved it though. He kept trying to have sex with my GameCube, and my PS1 didn't like that because she was his fiance at the time, and since the family is so tight, my PS3 was really angry. So he acted rashly as usual and pulled a gun on my 360. I don't think he wanted to harm him, he just wanted to scare him. Since then the two have gotten along pretty nicely.

That whore
The PS3 has nothing better to do than shoot other consoles. Hell, it's not like it was playing any games. Actually, I take that back, it was probably playing a blu ray movie.
Well of course it wasn't playing a game. How could a console interact with another console while it's playing a game? That's just silly.
Longo_2_guns said:
Well of course it wasn't playing a game. How could a console interact with another console while it's playing a game? That's just silly.
Wireless :shock:

..Watch out Longo, your consoles might be having Wireless sex without you knowing..
Grey said:
Ugh, Australia uses PAL no? Just import Rock Band from the UK if you're fed up of waiting.
I stand by my statement.
If Rock Band was any good, it would already be out in Australia.

But no, because of the MASSIVE release date difference, it is now labeled shit before anyone from those 6 stores has played it.
It can be 600x better than Guitar hero for all we care, it's still shit.
not trying to be a prick but this is a post about E3 not your george foreman cooking (grill) consoles.

anyone else feel like they died a little inside after all the announcements for the new things which we heard about in the past? i remember E3 being nothin but NEWs. oh well...
madster111 said:
Spyderhunter said:
anyone else feel like guitar hero got pimp slapped by rockband 2?
Well considering Australia is STILL f****** waiting for Rock Band, no, Guitar Hero will always be my number 1, and because of the stupid f****** release date conspriacy s***, i know of at least 6, thats right, 6 stores that are boycotting Rock Band.
I mean come on, how long have you guys had Rock band?
I know region changing takes a week or 2, but WTF is wrong with that?

on this simple fact, Rock Band is absolutely 100% s***, and i'm advising everyone in Australia to boycott the useless piece of s***.

IF you had a brain, you'd know that your country(which you love ever so much), much like Germany, has a problem with video games and has to take an extra long time reviewing and going over the game to make sure it's "safe" for idiots like you.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
madster111 said:
Spyderhunter said:
anyone else feel like guitar hero got pimp slapped by rockband 2?
Well considering Australia is STILL f****** waiting for Rock Band, no, Guitar Hero will always be my number 1, and because of the stupid f****** release date conspriacy s***, i know of at least 6, thats right, 6 stores that are boycotting Rock Band.
I mean come on, how long have you guys had Rock band?
I know region changing takes a week or 2, but WTF is wrong with that?

on this simple fact, Rock Band is absolutely 100% s***, and i'm advising everyone in Australia to boycott the useless piece of s***.

IF you had a brain, you'd know that your country(which you love ever so much), much like Germany, has a problem with video games and has to take an extra long time reviewing and going over the game to make sure it's "safe" for idiots like you.
Yeah, like with Manhunt 2. Is it even out there yet?

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