E3 08'

Boringman54 said:
BigZell2020 said:
schimmel said:
Longo_2_guns said:
No one will have a good show. Why? No one has ANYTHING to show. Nowadays, they make announcements that they will have announcements for announcements and no one saves anything for E3 anymore.

... except for Nintendo who has kept their mouths shut in order to have stuff for E3 this year.

If it doesn't have the words Mario, smash, brothers, or brawl in the title....it's going to blow ass.
What about having Zelda, Metroid, Icarus or Kirby in the title?

I feel today was a horrible day for Microsoft. The new dashboard looks like crap, the avatars are bad ripoffs of Miis and making FF XIII go on 360, while still being on PS3 (thankfully), has pissed off alot of people, including me. Sure, they announced a Portal expansion, Fallout 3 gameplay, an RE 5 demo and other stuff but I'm still mad.

EA also didn't have the best day. Though they didn't really say anything bad, they didn't reveal alot. A new Mirror's Edge trailer, the first SIms 3 trailer and a few other things and that's about it.

How could someone possibly be mad at a video game being released? And don't you only have a Wii?

But I do agree with you on the Mii rip-offs. That's a lame fest.
Haven't seen the Mii ripoff yet, but I'm guessing because of Home and Miis, Microsoft decided that they needed to jump in as well. I'm assuming they failed.
Grey said:
Is it just me that thinks the new 360 dashboard looks like a powerpoint presentation?

I'm with you on that one. Needs more colour, imo.

Nothing big so far, unless you're a Final Fantasy fan.
IMO i think Microsoft is really starting to head downhill. They're not comming out with any new bright ideas, i.e. the new avatars which have been old news for sony (home) and nintendo (mii's). also the only exclusives which they have now, GoW2, halo wars, fable 2 (which will come out on the PC, though it may take a bit) and a few exclusive downloads via live. the biggest note of desperation that i saw was FFXIII, i mean have they really ran out of things worth telling about and needed to stretch as far as that? pretty sad. only thing i did like here was the netflix feature.
Is it just me that thinks the new 360 dashboard looks like a powerpoint presentation?
and yes it did look like a powerpoint >.<

As for sony and nintendo, im eager to see what theyre comming out with today.

anyone else feel like guitar hero got pimp slapped by rockband 2?
Jekkel said:
Boringman54 said:
Jekkel said:
Longo_2_guns said:
If it doesn't have the words Mario, smash, brothers, or brawl in the title....it's going to blow ass.

Resident Evil 5.
He's talking about Nintendo.

Resident Evil 5.
It's not going to be on Wii. NEVER.

crazycracker22 said:
How could someone possibly be mad at a video game being released? And don't you only have a Wii?

Yes, I only have a Wii, but once I get a job, I'm buying a PS3, 360 and PSP. ALso, I've taken a bigger interest in Sony ever since I got my PS2 so I'm going to be watching what Nintendo and Sony reveal today. I'm still not that big of a fan of Microsoft yet though.
Spyderhunter said:
anyone else feel like guitar hero got pimp slapped by rockband 2?
Well considering Australia is STILL fucking waiting for Rock Band, no, Guitar Hero will always be my number 1, and because of the stupid fucking release date conspriacy shit, i know of at least 6, thats right, 6 stores that are boycotting Rock Band.
I mean come on, how long have you guys had Rock band?
I know region changing takes a week or 2, but WTF is wrong with that?

on this simple fact, Rock Band is absolutely 100% shit, and i'm advising everyone in Australia to boycott the useless piece of shit.
why do people care if FF is going to xbox ? Selfish pricks. lol

I think MS had a strong showing. As for their rip off's the Mii's, I think Nintendo and MS are planning something. MS is full of idiots, they listen to their customer's. They know people(SONY Fanboys) will try to bash it as fast as possible. So why do it ? Only time can tell, funny how everybody that hates xbox first reaction was...

Well, Nintendo's E3 is over now and it sucked too. There were some good things though, like GTA DS, Animal Crossing Wii and a new Wii Sports and thats about it. Now it's Sony's turn.
I think Sony fans were getting pissed back in the PS2 days when series that were sony exclusive in the PS1 era went to other consoles. IE; Resident Evil, GTA, MGS, Silent Hill, FF, etc.

But what people don't realise is that when you deal with third party developers, any console is game. Which is why Nintendo has survived these past 23 years. You can always count on having those Nintendo games all to yourself.

Now if Sony developed more games like God of War there wouldn't be so much disappointment.

I'd love it if all third party games came out on every console, but we all know that would be impossible.
I wanna see Xbox fans when Halo goes to PS3. Which will never happen, but what if.

I'll be pissed, so i can see why Sony fans are mad.
King_Arthur said:
Only time can tell, funny how everybody that hates xbox first reaction was...

Well, seeing as how that's been the reaction towards Sony for the past two or three years I think that it would be kind of a double standard to complain about fanboys now.

And I think that Sony will be unveiling their new add on that will give you a blowjob. I mean the PS3 can already turn people to gold and deflect bullets, so its all they could do to delay everyone while they make some more games.
Longo_2_guns said:
King_Arthur said:
Only time can tell, funny how everybody that hates xbox first reaction was...

Well, seeing as how that's been the reaction towards Sony for the past two or three years I think that it would be kind of a double standard to complain about fanboys now.

And I think that Sony will be unveiling their new add on that will give you a blowjob. I mean the PS3 can already turn people to gold and deflect bullets, so its all they could do to delay everyone while they make some more games.

what lol :? :shock: :oops:

When it can cook and clean, i'll buy it.

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